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Enhanced OC 20 Jahre dabei !
Intel Celeron D 2800 MHz @ 3500 MHz 70°C mit 1.42 Volt
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You see, the main problem to DI/LN2 benching is condensation, it's a b*tch and will mess up your hardware. About a year ago I discovered DSI fluids and a product called OPTI-COOL. It's a di-electric oil that is pourable to about -90C. SO I thought, hey, why not submerse a mobo a couple inches under OIL? No foam, no saran wrap, nothing! So I picked up this great little resealable plastic tub. I placed the mobo on spacers in the tub, elevating it about 1cm. from the bottom jus tincase any water made it into the oil. I mounted the LN2 container, a massive 1000gram block of Copper and all miscellaneous cables and such. Then I poured in 2 gallons of OPTI-COOL rfom the nice folks at DSI FLUIDS in Texas. It also had the nice effect of pushing fluid thru the Silencer4 also.... So I rigged up a FLUKE 50D dual probe thermometer, one lead to the side of the CPU, and one into the tub measuring fluid temp. Let me back up, the equipment is: FX-55 week 46 K8N Neo2 good 0441 chipset G.Skill 2 x 256mB "LA" OCZ Powerstream 520W PSU Mobo is running BIOS 1.4 with a Vcore mod. Remainder is stock.
Der typ hat versucht nen FX-55 so hoch zu bekommen wie es nur geht. Seine Methode fand ich am interessantesten Leider finde ich es schade das er die CPU und/oder das MoBo geschrottet hat, aber lest selber. Er hat vergessen Benchmarks zu machen als der CPU auf 3700Mhz war(schafe..die Werte wären bestimmt interessant) Was denkt ihr? Meiner Meinung nach lässt das Hardcoreoverclocking im Schatten. MfG
  (Geändert von fremder um 0:27 am Feb. 8, 2005) (Geändert von fremder um 15:17 am Feb. 8, 2005)
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Beiträge gesamt: 434 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Nov. 2004 | Dabei seit: 7404 Tagen | Erstellt: 0:25 am 8. Feb. 2005