I am guessing that it is something? Yes , No , Close 28. Does it get wet? Yes. 27. Would you give it as a gift? Yes. 26. Is it multicolored? Yes. 25. Would you use it in the dark? Yes. 24. Can it fit in an envelope? Yes. 23. Is it hard? Yes. 22. Is it considered valuable? Yes. 21. Is it spotted? Yes. 20. I guess that it is a pet rat? No. 19. Can it swim? Yes. 18. I guess that it is a macaw? No. 17. Is it flexible? Yes. 16. Would you like to be one? Yes. 15. Does it have a pointed snout? No. 14. Can you play games with it? Yes. 13. Does it bite? Yes. 12. I guess that it is a bird? No. 11. Can it be stolen? Yes. 10. Is it heavier than a pound of butter? No. 9. Can you buy it at a store? Yes. 8. Does it live in mountains? Yes. 7. Does it have wings? Yes. 6. Is it commonly used? No. 5. Does it make noise? Yes. 4. Would you find it on a farm? Yes. 3. Is it colorful? Yes. 2. Is it a mammal? No. 1. It is classified as Animal.
Beiträge gesamt: 5906 | Durchschnitt: 1 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Jan. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8440 Tagen | Erstellt: 14:41 am 19. Okt. 2004
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