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OC God
23 Jahre dabei !

bis dahin hat er auch rausgefunden, warum Schäfers Gummistiefel immer 'ne Nummer zu groß sind ....:biglol:

Beiträge gesamt: 3599 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8630 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:05 am 3. Jan. 2002

Real OC or Post God !
23 Jahre dabei !


Hoffentlich :lol:


Bis jetzt fanden den noch alle lustig :biglol:


Ich muß weg. Kleine Feier.  :cu:

Beiträge gesamt: 41451 | Durchschnitt: 5 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8617 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:12 am 3. Jan. 2002
aus Berlin

OC God
23 Jahre dabei !

AMD Ryzen 5
4600 MHz @ 4600 MHz
55°C mit 1.29 Volt

dann feier mal... :music::dance::beer::jump:

Beiträge gesamt: 8093 | Durchschnitt: 1 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8609 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:14 am 3. Jan. 2002
aus !

OC God
23 Jahre dabei !

yep, bin auch wech :cu:

Beiträge gesamt: 3599 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8630 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:14 am 3. Jan. 2002
aus Berlin

OC God
23 Jahre dabei !

AMD Ryzen 5
4600 MHz @ 4600 MHz
55°C mit 1.29 Volt


Beiträge gesamt: 8093 | Durchschnitt: 1 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8609 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:17 am 3. Jan. 2002

OC God
23 Jahre dabei !

AMD Athlon XP
1400 MHz @ 1733 MHz
41°C mit 1.75 Volt

Oh man, hier kann man ja auch lachen, ohne dass Witze erzählt werden..........(ich sach keine Namen, keine Angst SirHenry :lol:)

Lach drüber wenns zum weinen nicht reicht.MANOWAR RULEZ!!!! ICH WAR DABEI: WARRIORS OF THE WORLD TOUR (6.12.02 Köln Palladium)

Beiträge gesamt: 6487 | Durchschnitt: 1 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Sep. 2001 | Dabei seit: 8491 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:18 am 3. Jan. 2002
aus FFM

Enhanced OC
23 Jahre dabei !

Intel Core i5
2666 MHz @ 3800 MHz
62°C mit 1.26 Volt

You know you're a overclocker when...

You permanently disconnect the heater in your home.

You call premature ejaculation a stability problem but you think you can fix it with more voltage or better cooling..

You have your atlas marked with all of Intels and AMD fab plants and a key denoting the micron size.

Every thing you own that uses power has a heat sink attached

You have a sperate room for outdated equipment

You rewired all your light bulbs in your house with copper for less resisitance. But they were too dim, you you just added a step up transformer, now you 100 w light running fine at 500w using a 270 volt line..

You are thinking moving futher north or south, for better overclockin weather.

Your high frequency computers EMF, ionises the air around your house so it glows at night.... And nasa wants to purchase your computer for space travel research..

your Win98 start up screen is broadcasted on all of the TV stations...

Nasa and FCC have given you the 558Mhz band for your computer, after nasa thought it was inteligent life broadcasting there.

Your building your house out of water absorbing gel, to cut down on condensation..

You take your computer measurements when buying a fridge.

You add peitlers to your car and remove the radiator, and attach a heatink on the roof..

You ask a political candidate how he feels about clock locking....

Intel announces its bus locking its chips and you kill your whole family.....

If when asked what speed your computer is, the answer starts out with "Well you see....."

the only "one night stands" you've had lately have been with CPUs that wouldn't overclock.

you get 50% more than the company promised and feel cheated.

when you see a bad report card, you think about overclocking your kid.

you hear somebody's unstable and you say, "Increase the voltage."

at work, you don't train new employees, you do "burn-in".

If you refuse to set your clock back in the fall.

You get raided periodically by the DEA because of the size of your electricity bill.

People go outside to watch the plane go by when you turn your computer on.

f the local air conditioning company is calling YOU for advise on cooling systems.....

If you rationalized building a second computer just for your business programs so they wouldn't "clutter" up your hard drive on the "Fast" one...

If you take Intel to court because your SL2W8 didn't make it to 504mhz. . .You may be an Overclocker.

you wonder how much faster the ATM machine would be if it were overclocked

If you have a thermo-electric generator just to trap the heat off your CPU and convert it back into those extra 20 Watts your power supply can't give

If you turn on the AC before sex because you equate being cooler with increased performance, you might be an overclocker.

You may be an overclocker if you huddle around your computer in the summer instead of a fan to keep cool.

...when you spend more money on fans than on your cpu.

Your condemns say "Intel Inside".

If your CPU clock is set to a rate higher than the manufacturer's specification, then you are said to be an overclocker.

you can tell how fast a CPU can go be clocked to by "sensing its aura."

... your computer needs a backup kerosene powered generator to run at full speed.

If you have ever, even if only for an instant, considered hooking up your vacuum cleaner to the back of your computer....

If your Girlfriend/Wife is pissed cause you "borrowed" her hair dryer and gutted out the heater in it to make a blower for your CPU....

If you talk to your Monitor during the boot-up.....

Your computer generates enough heat to warm your house

the ups driver has keys to your house!

your kids think the fedex driver is their uncle!

you chain you computer too your table so it will not blow a way

you overclocked your hamster and put a generator on his wheel... Your electric meter is now going backwards

Are addicted to Midol, Mountain Dew, and No-Doze.

Despise your once-best friend because he overclocked his processor 1MHz faster than yours

Chose to live in an igloo.

Claim purchases from Radio Shack and your local hardware store on your income tax under 'Research & Development'.

Have no further use for ten thousand dollars worth of equipment, but if asked will fight to the death to keep it all.

You can tell how much memory a computer has got by counting the memory check ticks..

Your house has a cooling lake

You have a direct line to the on-duty engineer in the power plant to notify him of your computer being turned on, so he can kick in the spare generators

If you keep insisting that Scotty could have gotten the Enterprise past Warp 9 if he would just have added a couple more cooling fans......
*When ask how fast is you computer you reply `in winter or in summer?'
your girlfriend comes in your room, sees your PC tower, and says : " oh, what a big fridge you have there!

Beiträge gesamt: 380 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Okt. 2001 | Dabei seit: 8467 Tagen | Erstellt: 20:40 am 3. Jan. 2002
aus die maus

OC God
23 Jahre dabei !

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Beiträge gesamt: 3249 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Okt. 2001 | Dabei seit: 8473 Tagen | Erstellt: 21:09 am 3. Jan. 2002
aus Berlin

OC God
23 Jahre dabei !

AMD Ryzen 5
4600 MHz @ 4600 MHz
55°C mit 1.29 Volt

bin zwar noch nichg ganz durch aber bis jetzt echt zum  :lol::roll::thumb:

Beiträge gesamt: 8093 | Durchschnitt: 1 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8609 Tagen | Erstellt: 21:59 am 3. Jan. 2002

Real OC or Post God !
23 Jahre dabei !

Na also ,den verstehste.

Les dir den hir nochmal in Ruhe durch ,vieleicht kommste dahinter. ;)

treffen sich ein inianer und ein cowboy in der wildnis,
der indianer hat nen pferd,nen hund und ein schaf dabei...

sacht der cowboy..."how,..kann ich mal mit deinem pferd sprechen?"

der indianer."das pferd kann nicht sprechen"

c: "darf ich?"
i: "sicher"

c: "na pferd ,wie behandelt dich denn der indianer so?"
pferd: "prima,hab genug zu fressen,er reitet nicht zu schnell,ist nen prima indianer!"
c: "gut,darf ich mal mit deinem hund sprechen"
der indiander guckt ziemlich blöde,sowas hat er noch nie erlebt!

i: "sicher,sicher...aber der kann nicht reden!"
c: "darf ich?"
i: "jo"
c: "hi,hund wie behandelt dich der indianer?"
hund: "sehr gut,hab genug zu fressen,darf an seinem rücken schlafen,schimpft nicht,ist nen guter indianer!"

c: "gut....indianer,darf ich mal mit deinem schaf sprechen?"
indianer: ".....schaf lügt!"

Beiträge gesamt: 41451 | Durchschnitt: 5 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8617 Tagen | Erstellt: 0:13 am 4. Jan. 2002