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OC God 22 Jahre dabei !
Intel Core i7 2800 MHz @ 4012 MHz 87°C mit 1.36 Volt
Meine einzigen toten Festplatten waren mal eine IBM "Deathstar" Deskstar, die nach längerem 24/7-Betrieb nicht mehr angelaufen ist (war damals ein Serienproblem und das Ende der IBM-Plattenprodution) und BEIDE Seagate in einem Second-Hand-NAS. Die erste ist verreckt, ich habs NAS auf größere WD Red umgerüstet und die verbliebene Seagate in einen Rechner gesteckt, wo sie zwei Wochen später krepiert ist. Seit den 90ern verbaue ich neue Platten eigentlich nur von WD und ohne Ausfälle, gelegentlich geraten mir mal Seagates und früher auch Maxtor, Conner, Hitachi etc in die Finger, die ich immer mit Vorsicht genieße. Speedfan hat mich neulich mit zwei roten Symbolen Probleme bei einer meiner WD5000AAKS hingewiesen - ich hab grad mal gesucht, Mindfactory hat die Platte im Oktober 2009 an mich ausgeliefert, seitdem läuft sie täglich, die letzten Jahre im RAID 0 mit ihrem Zwilling für meine Steam Library. Ohne Hinweis hätte ich das nicht gemerkt...
BLOCKING ISSUE : your hard disk has 75 pending sectors. Those are sectors that couldn't be properly read and that the hard disk logic is waiting for a write operation to try to remap to a spare sector (if available). According to the Reallocated Sector Count attribute, your hard disk seems to have available spare sectors. A simple disk surface scan won't be enough to force the remap operation. You need a read/write surface scan to remap the sector. The best option should be a tool that knows about what should be read from that sector so that it has some option to apply the best fix to the missing data. BLOCKING ISSUE : your hard disk has 21 offline uncorrectable sectors. Those are sectors that an offline scanning found as unreadable. Offline scanning is a process that can be automatically started by the hard disk logic when a long enough idle period is detected or that can be forced by some tool. Those unreadable sectors are identified and the hard disk logic is waiting for a write command that will overwrite them to try to remap them to spare sectors (if available). According to the Reallocated Sector Count attribute, your hard disk seems to have available spare sectors. A simple disk surface scan won't be enough to force the remap operation. You need a read/write surface scan to remap the sector. The best option should be a tool that knows about what should be read from that sector so that it has some option to apply the best fix to the missing data. NOTE : your hard disk Power On Hours Count attribute current value (31) is below the normal range (95 - 100) reported for your specific hard disk model. Basically your hard disk was powered on for more than the maximum time the average user did. This means that either all of the reports collected are from hard disks that were not powered on for too long (this is realistic for recent models) or that your hard disk is becoming old. Usually this is not considered as a pre-failure advisory, but you should check whether you want to replace the hardware or keep an eye on its performances over time. NOTE : your hard disk Power Cycle Count attribute current value (95) is below the normal range (100 - 100) reported for your specific hard disk model. Basically your hard disk was power cycled more times than the maximum number the average hard disk was. Power cycles put some stress on the hard disk mechanic. Sometimes power cycles can be caused by a loose hard disk power connector. Make sure it is properly fastened.
| Für eine 10 Jahre alte 7200er im nicht besonders gekühlten Dauerbetrieb find ich das schon okay EDIT: mal geschaut und umgerechnet, wenn Power on Hours Count in HEX C5CE sind, sollten das 50.638 Stunden sein, also 5 Jahre. Klingt plausibel. (Geändert von Strix um 13:44 am 29. März 2019)
valid.x86.fr/yg91mm userbenchmark.com/UserRun/17346543
Beiträge gesamt: 1966 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: April 2002 | Dabei seit: 8283 Tagen | Erstellt: 13:34 am 29. März 2019