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Gerade wurde eine neue Version von SiSoftware Sandra Titanium 2018 für Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Server 2016, 2012/R2 und 2008/R2 veröffentlicht. SiSoft Sandra Lite Titanium 2018 steht natürlich wieder auf unserem Server als Download bereit und kann dort runtergeladen werden: SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2018 Die älteren SiSoftware Sandra Versionen stehen dort ebenfalls weiterhin als Archiv zur Verfügung. Hier sind die neuen Features:
We have added new Overall Performance benchmarks for all major components (CPU, GPGPU, Video/Graphics, Memory/Cache and Disk) and thus simplified the Overall Computer Performance benchmark. We have added hardware support and optimisations for brand-new CPU architectures (AMD Ryzen 2, AMD Vega GPGPU, future Intel) not forgetting GPGPU architectures across the various interfaces (CUDA, OpenCL, DirectX ComputeShader, OpenGL Compute). - Processor Overall Index A combined performance index of all major CPU-related benchmarks: Multi-Media, Scientific Analysis, Financial Analysis, Image Processing, Multi-Core Efficiency. - GPGPU Overall Index A combined performance index of all major GPGPU-related benchmarks: Processing, Scientific Analysis, Financial Analysis, Image Processing, Memory Bandwidth, Memory Latency. - Video/Graphics Overall Index A combined performance index of all major video benchmarks: Shader Processing, Memory Bandwidth, Media Transcoding. - Memory/Cache Overall Index A combined performance index of all major memory and cache-related benchmarks: Memory Bandwidth, Cache Bandwidth, Memory Latency. - Disk Overall Index A combined performance index of all major disk-related benchmarks: File System Bandwidth, File System I/O, Physical Disk Bandwidth As a result, the Overall Compute Benchmark was simplified to be an aggregate of the component overall benchmarks: - Overall Computer Index A combined performance index of all component overall indexes (CPU, GPGPU, Video/Graphics, Memory/Cache and Disk) - Sandra 2017 - future Service Pack All the fixes in Sandra Titanium/2018 will be back-ported to a future service pack for Sandra 2017.
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Beiträge gesamt: 171623 | Durchschnitt: 20 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: April 2001 | Dabei seit: 8736 Tagen | Erstellt: 8:13 am 26. April 2018