Intel Core i9 3600 MHz @ 5200 MHz 78°C mit 1.552 Volt
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But i didn't find a way how to modify the VIO and i thinks it's not possible because i didn't found a VIO voltage regulator Hardware News lesen * Talk * Smarthome und Gadgets Overclock, Modding und Testberichte * Fanartikel kaufen
Beiträge gesamt: 171322 | Durchschnitt: 20 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: April 2001 | Dabei seit: 8683 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:03 am 17. Dez. 2001
AMD Ryzen 7 3800 MHz @ 4600 MHz 60°C mit 1.325 Volt
hmm it seems to me that they´ve reduced the Multi (?) because a XP2000+ has got a higher Multi than 8x ..
And the Board has a extra RAM-Divider ( 3/4 i think = 165 Mhz RAM ) to make the ram running at this FSB .. So you need good RAM and a Chip that makes 221 Mhz .. The Temperature is 50°C and i think it is very high .. And because they have reduced the Multi , the CPU-Speed isn´t so higt that u need a VCore-Mod..
The Key is the RAM-Divider and a reduced Multi, that´s it..
Ah, nearly forgotten, the DDR-Voltage is @ 3,0 Volts higer than the normal
Work like you don´t need the money Love like you´ve never been hurt Dance like nobody´s watching Sing like nobody´s listening But Live as if you will die today
Beiträge gesamt: 17781 | Durchschnitt: 2 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8669 Tagen | Erstellt: 14:52 am 18. Dez. 2001
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