I have a Barton 2500+ with multipliers 5x to 12.5x free, if I try to put 13x multipliers or above my system not boot up.
My system actualy is
Barton 2500+@2800+ (12.5*166) at 1.6v SOYO KT-400 DRAGON PLATINIUM EDITION 512 MB DDR 333 KINGSTOM at 166Mhz 2-2-2-6 at 2.7v
because my chipset is a KT-400 ( max divisor FSB/PCI = 5 ) & it don´t fix the AGP/PCI frecuency, the max FSB that it suport my MB with one module of DDR 400Mhz ( that one friend it rendered ) is arond 180 MHz with a 36/72MHz (PCI/AGP) frecuency.
the final speed than y can obtain is 12.5x180 = 2250 MHZ.
I would like free the 13x multipliers and above, to raise my final speed around the ~2350MHz
I seeing your´s fantanstic web &, I would like to know if I make the pin-mod you will multiply 13x and above???? to put 13x multipliers & above via BIOS.
anyone can help me????????
Beiträge gesamt: 2 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Juni 2004 | Dabei seit: 7533 Tagen | Erstellt: 21:56 am 14. Juni 2004
ROTOR offline
OC Newbie 20 Jahre dabei !
AMD Barton
Anyone can help me????????
Beiträge gesamt: 2 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Juni 2004 | Dabei seit: 7533 Tagen | Erstellt: 20:09 am 16. Juni 2004
AMD Athlon XP 1466 MHz @ 2430 MHz 45°C mit 2.1 Volt
You just have to connect the to pins. that's it and then it'll be possible to put the multiplier to 13 and above
Die CPU (Zentrale Recheneinheit; die Einheit) Mein System
Beiträge gesamt: 1067 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Jan. 2004 | Dabei seit: 7695 Tagen | Erstellt: 23:53 am 18. Juni 2004
Intel Pentium Dual Core 1600 MHz @ 3206 MHz mit 1.316 Volt
at first select "socket view" on the left panel in the workshop and the default multiplier (11) of your barton-cpu
u'll see that 5 "bridges" on the right now (3 in the first line and 2 other on the second)
please change the selection of the multi from 11 to 13 now and u'll recognize that 2 of the 5 "bridges" are different now (the first/left of each line) and you just have to put in that 2 difference-"bridges" (use a fine U-wire) in the socket.
if everything is fine, your pc will boot up with multi of 13 and u should be able to select multis above 13 now
Beiträge gesamt: 12262 | Durchschnitt: 1 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8659 Tagen | Erstellt: 3:16 am 23. Juni 2004
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