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OC Newbie
22 Jahre dabei !


okay, you know those timing issues?  Yes, I think they exist, although I can't be sure because I don't have another CPU that I can plug in right now... or rather I don't want to pull it out anymore.

I thought the system was running stable.  I was wrong.. oh yes, I was very wrong.

I tried to run several 3D applications, including 3DMark 2001 SE, which resulted in the system crashing.  I couldn't figure out why for the longest time until finally, I reset my BIOS configuration to the "default safe settings" option.  This let me run all my 3D things just fine.  So I went through the first screen, and set my memory to PC133.  Immediately, it was unstable again.

What in the world??  PC133 worked fine on the other BIOS.  Okay.  So I try toying with all the timing settings.  No go.  Now, let me first tell you that I have 3 DIMMs in my system.  I have 2x128MB from Mushkin PC150 2-3-2 stick, and 1x256MB from Crucial PC133 2-2-2 stick, bringing my total to 512MB.  The system currently refuses to run stable with all 3 sticks in at PC133 using any timing settings at all.  It will only run stable at PC100.  However, if I remove one or two of the memory sticks (it can be ANY of them), the system runs perfectly stable.  I am sure of it.

I tried every BIOS version from YP Beta and up.  This means I have tried YP, ZT, 3C, 3R, 4A, 7N, 64, A9.  The results I have come up with is the following:

YP, ZT, and 3C detect the CPU as an Athlon Processor and thus SSE is disabled.  The memory can run stable... meaning PC133 works just fine.

3R, 4A, 7N, 64 detect the CPU as an Unknow Processor and SSE is enabled as identified by 3DMark 2001SE and WCPUID.  The memory does NOT run stable at PC133.  Yes, it actually says Unknow, not Unknown.
A9 detects the CPU as an Athlon XP Processor and SSE is enabled as identified by the same as above.  The memory does NOT run stable at PC133.

Without plugging in my old Thunderbird 900, I can not say for sure.  However, I firmly believe that the Athlon XP Processor does indeed cause a timing issue of some sort with the Abit KT7 when using all 3 DIMM slots.

Currently, I have removed one of my DIMM modules in order to keep my system running stabley.  This whole situation was a nightmare.  Suffice it to say that it used up a good 7 hours of my time as a result... it screwed up my windows boot... uggh.

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Registrierung: Dez. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8034 Tagen | Erstellt: 11:54 am 21. Dez. 2002

OC Newbie
22 Jahre dabei !

AMD Athlon XP
1780 MHz

Not everything are good news :(, I got A9 bios on my KT7-raid and works fine at 133 mhz. I've got 2 different 256 mb modules running at 133 mhz.

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Registrierung: Okt. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8106 Tagen | Erstellt: 3:56 am 23. Dez. 2002

OC Newbie
22 Jahre dabei !

i think the problem will arise when you get more than 2 DIMMs.  luckily, i have found someone willing to trade his 1 256MB module for my 2 128MB modules.  so i'll be up to 512MB pretty soon.  phew!

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Registrierung: Dez. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8034 Tagen | Erstellt: 23:26 am 23. Dez. 2002

OC Newbie
21 Jahre dabei !

AMD Duron
800 MHz

Hi, I've got an Abit Kt7 with a duron 800, a few days ago i bough an Athlon XP 1700+ thoroughbred stepping 'RIRGA'. Fistly I updated the motherboard bios to 'A9' version, as Tassadar adviced me, but when I plug in the Athlon XP the computer don't post, I press the power button and screen is only blank screen, i mean, anything  . I don't know why it happends because it is supposed that XP's works in my board, an abit KT7 with A9 bios, anyone can help me?


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Registrierung: Dez. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8026 Tagen | Erstellt: 14:48 am 28. Dez. 2002

OC Newbie
22 Jahre dabei !

AMD Duron

Did you try the "reset button trick"?

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Registrierung: Dez. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8041 Tagen | Erstellt: 4:53 am 1. Jan. 2003

OC Newbie
22 Jahre dabei !

AMD Athlon XP
1780 MHz

Do you mean press reset button when cumputer is on and not posting?

Beiträge gesamt: 28 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Okt. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8106 Tagen | Erstellt: 1:11 am 3. Jan. 2003

OC Newbie
22 Jahre dabei !

AMD Duron

Exactly. But since invar did not answer yet I assume it didn't help in his case.

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Registrierung: Dez. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8041 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:07 am 4. Jan. 2003

OC Newbie
22 Jahre dabei !

sorry folks, i kind of got sidetracked for a few days.

the reset button trick isn't really relevant in my case.  today, i received a new (used) 256MB DIMM from my friend in exchange for my 2 128MB DIMMs.  the system runs perfectly stable now with the new single DIMM so now I am back at 512MB.

i do get the reset problem as well, meaning my first totally cold boot after having reconnected the power cord must have the switch set off.  then, i turn it off, and while the power cord is still in, i flip the switch.  turn the system back on, and it works fine.

it sounds like you need to do that ben.

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Registrierung: Dez. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8034 Tagen | Erstellt: 9:55 am 5. Jan. 2003

OC Newbie
21 Jahre dabei !

Hi, thought this thread would suit my question

I also have a KT7-RAID with A9 BIOS. I bought a T-bred 1800+ which came unlocked from factory (L1 bridges closed). A friend of mine had done some bridge cutting on his rig (also KT7-RAID) to get 16.5x multiplier. It works fine for him. He hasn't mentioned the pin->resistor->pin mod.

Anyway, I cut the bridges at L3 to get 16.5x multiplier, but my system doesn't even post (black screen only, hdd:s and fans spin up). If i reinsert my old processor everything works fine. I've tried resetting CMOS before installing the 1800+ and I've tried setting the BIOS to 7.5x multi and then changing processors. Nothing works. I've also tried the resetting trick.

I'm not sure if my L3 cutting were been successful. Have no tools to check resistance. Could that be the reason it doesn't work? Maybe I've shorted a bridge with the material underneath cutting too deep? But if the L1 is unlocked, shouldn't the BIOS be determining the multiplier?

I havn't gotten hold of my friend to check with him. I'd be very grateful for some tips regarding this issue.

Regards Lupson

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Registrierung: Jan. 2003 | Dabei seit: 8012 Tagen | Erstellt: 17:35 am 10. Jan. 2003

OC Newbie
22 Jahre dabei !

AMD Athlon XP
1780 MHz

I suggest you to try your processor on another board, if it don't work, try to rejoin the bridge you cut, using conductive paint or silimar.

If after this your processor don't work, very probably you've broke it.

Beiträge gesamt: 28 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Okt. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8106 Tagen | Erstellt: 22:07 am 10. Jan. 2003