» Willkommen auf AMD Overclocking «

aus Eurozone

OC Newbie
15 Jahre dabei !

Hi, first of all I'm not good in writing down German, but I can read German very well, so all the answers can be written down in German.

I know its is limited to overclock a Dell, but does anyone know how to increase the CPU voltage to overclock my Dell Dimension E521. Use now Clockgen and Central Brain Identifier, but I see no ways to increase the CPU voltage. I'm a little bit afraid off using the Voltmod as explained on this forum, so I'm want to go for Software.  

Dell is now upgraded to a AMD 64 X2 6400+ CPU
North BridgeNVIDIA GeForce 6150 Revisie A2
South BridgeNVIDIA nForce 410/430 MCP Revisie A2

Did a try but Nvidia Ntune and AMD Overdrive software are not working.
Thanks Toine

Beiträge gesamt: 3 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2009 | Dabei seit: 5737 Tagen | Erstellt: 21:38 am 18. Mai 2009
aus Nowaja Semlja

Real OC or Post God !
20 Jahre dabei !

Intel Core i7
3700 MHz @ 3700 MHz
55°C mit 0.99 Volt

Increasing CPU Voltage will probably result in higher temps without getting much more out of this kind of CPU.

The 6400+ runs nearly the limit of the K8 architecture, so it is one of the worst cases in AMD OC;).

Stay at 3200 MHz because even with higher Vcore there might be only 200 Mhz more, with a little luck you 300.

Tried Rmclock or Crystalcpu yet?

Longer bars indicate better performance.

Beiträge gesamt: 12300 | Durchschnitt: 2 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Feb. 2004 | Dabei seit: 7658 Tagen | Erstellt: 7:20 am 19. Mai 2009
aus Krefeld

23 Jahre dabei !

Intel Core i9
3600 MHz @ 5200 MHz
78°C mit 1.552 Volt

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Beiträge gesamt: 171289 | Durchschnitt: 20 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: April 2001 | Dabei seit: 8677 Tagen | Erstellt: 7:21 am 19. Mai 2009