hi people... i have the opportunity to buy a barton 3000+ cpu(333x16 =2.16 ghz) at 60 euro (in Italy) but i don't know if it is unlocked... i want to know if it could be a good occasion or if is better to buy a 2500+ or 2600+ unlocked processor...?!?
Beiträge gesamt: 17 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: April 2005 | Dabei seit: 7270 Tagen | Erstellt: 13:07 am 11. Mai 2005
PiGi offline
OC Newbie 19 Jahre dabei !
AMD T-Bred
i correct myself... (166 x13 = 2,16 ghz)
Beiträge gesamt: 17 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: April 2005 | Dabei seit: 7270 Tagen | Erstellt: 13:09 am 11. Mai 2005
AMD Phenom II 3200 MHz @ 3675 MHz 59°C mit 1.400 Volt
it doesn't matter if you buy a 3200+ or a 2500+ if the CPU is unlocked you have always a very good chance to reach 3200+ so look for an unlocked 2500+ to save money
[SiLa] BF2 BattleClan Orgelgott
Beiträge gesamt: 19353 | Durchschnitt: 2 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Feb. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8418 Tagen | Erstellt: 13:36 am 11. Mai 2005
PiGi offline
OC Newbie 19 Jahre dabei !
AMD T-Bred
ok... however no the processor there is the code: axda3000dkv4d aqyfa 0342mpmw
it should be unlocked... or not?
ps this cpu run at (100x13)1,3 ghz on a asus a7v8x-x... it can be a problem directly connected with the cpu or is only the mb that make it run at the defalut mode (200fsb)? thanks
Beiträge gesamt: 17 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: April 2005 | Dabei seit: 7270 Tagen | Erstellt: 13:45 am 12. Mai 2005
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 2000 MHz @ 2750 MHz 46°C mit 1.43 Volt
Zitat von PiGi um 13:45 am Mai 12, 2005
aqyfa 0342mpmw
42nd week ---> let me say it this way: the chance, that this CPU is unlocked, is as high as meeting god in hell übrigens: http://www.orthy.de -> Sachen gibt's, die gibt's gar net wir suchen Redakteure: http://www.orthy.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4056&Itemid=38
Beiträge gesamt: 2074 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Feb. 2003 | Dabei seit: 8060 Tagen | Erstellt: 14:26 am 12. Mai 2005
Zitat von Beomaster um 13:36 am Mai 11, 2005 it doesn't matter if you buy a 3200+ or a 2500+ if the CPU is unlocked you have always a very good chance to reach 3200+ so look for an unlocked 2500+ to save money
a 2500+ also can be locked because the difference between 2500+ and 3200+ is only the FSB (2500+ 166 MHz - 3200+ 200 MHZ)
Beiträge gesamt: 18440 | Durchschnitt: 2 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Juli 2003 | Dabei seit: 7900 Tagen | Erstellt: 16:55 am 12. Mai 2005
Intel Core 2 Duo 1860 MHz @ 3220 MHz 47°C mit 1.32 Volt
Dont think just BUY IT!!! 60€ for such an Overclockers "dream"
It is definetly locked! But ...
.. with the 3000+ it doesnt matter if it is unlocked or not. Because of the 333MHz FSB you dont need to change the multi (13). Just raise the FSB of your Board (hope its one with a nForce2 Chipset) to get more Speed.
Your CPU should go up to at least 2405MHz (185*13). Mine (2800+ 333FSB) works fine at 208MHz FSB * 12,5 (2600MHz).
Just be sure not to buy one with FSB 400 (their locked and you are limited by your FSB and the smaller multi (10,5)!!!
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