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OC God 21 Jahre dabei !
AMD Athlon 64 2200 MHz @ 3146 MHz 34°C mit 1.39 Volt
Jop. Wie gesagt, bei einigen läuft es ohne, aba bei vielen hat es Probleme gegeben. Ohne Adapter / nativem 24-Pin wird die PCI-E GraKa nicht anständig mit genug stabilem Saft versorgt. Schau ansonsten mal bei dfi-street.com rein, da findest Du das bestätigt. Moment ich such mal den link... Oh, das ging schnell, das Thema ist gleich das erste Sticky in dem Forum Wenn Du in dem ersten Posting des Sticky dem ersten link folgst, siehst Du die von mir genannten Stellungnahme von Angry_Games (DFI-Mitarbeiter) zum Thema nativem 24-Pin ---> Klick! EDIT: Weil das Statement von Angry so haargenau und eindrucksvoll das beinhaltet, was ich hier schon immer gesagt habe, hier nochmal das direkte Zitat
you are on your own when using a 20-pin power supply. DFI no longer will support customers who do not adhere to the minimum power supply requirements. if the board has a 24-pin power connector, then you must have a true 24-pin power supply. not a 20-to-24 pin adapter not a 5,000,323watt 20-pin with 80000 amps on the 12v rail a true 24-pin native power supply. period. there is no argument anymore on this subject. if the board has a 24-pin power connector, and we state (as we have) that you need a true 24-pin power supply and that a 20-to-24 pin adapter does not work and is not supported, then you need a true native 24-pin power supply. no arguments no trying to tell us we dont know what we are talking about. period you only have a 20-pin psu? a modded 20-pin psu? a 20-pin psu with a 24-pin adapter? you are not adhering to the minimim specs required by these boards to run. this means that any problems you have while not adhering to the minimum requirements will result in you being told 'you need a 24-pin native power supply of at least 480w' and that is the only answer you will receive on your problem until you meet the minimum requirements. sounds harsh? we don't tell you to put a 24-pin power supply in just to make you angry and see you complain about how you have to upgrade your power supply. we tell you that you are required to have a 24-pin 480w power supply because that is what is necessary. if you want to argue about it, by all means continue arguing about it. but you are not meeting minimum requirements and will not get any answer other than 'you MUST have a 24-pin native 480w power supply to run these motherboards and that is your problem so please upgrade to a minimum 480w 24-pin power supply' not much else to say on this subject. i'm tired of some of you who think you know more than our engineers continuing to argue that we have no clue what we are talking about and you can skirt the minimum requirements. follow the recommended guidelines. period.
| (Geändert von Cr0w um 19:57 am Mai 4, 2005)
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