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AMD Phenom II 3200 MHz @ 3675 MHz 59°C mit 1.400 Volt
Just try out in small steps. I would guess for 13,5x133 it is not necessary to raise vcore. My old 1700+ runs 2GHz with 1,6V it is not sure what your 1700+ can reach, form 1,8GHz to 2,2GHz with 1,6V everything could be possible, you have to find out in small steps what is possible. If 13,5x133 is stable, try out 14x133, than 15x133, 16x133 and at least 16,5x133.Theese are the steps I would go. If you recognize it is not stable, and the CPU temperature never reach 55°C you can raise your vcore to 1,65V for this you need only one connection, because you must imagine the connection for 1,6V is just on the CPU. This means only 1,6 1,65 1,8 and 1,85V are available Edit: Is the normal voltage of your CPU 1,5V? This would give you more possibilities to raise vcore in smaller steps (Geändert von Beomaster um 13:14 am April 3, 2006)
[SiLa] BF2 BattleClan Orgelgott
Beiträge gesamt: 19351 | Durchschnitt: 2 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Feb. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8319 Tagen | Erstellt: 13:12 am 3. April 2006