» Willkommen auf AMD Overclocking «

aus Norway

21 Jahre dabei !

AMD Thunderbird B
1000 MHz @ 1400 MHz
51°C mit 1.7 Volt


I would like to upgrade my CPU from a 1 GHz tbird to a Barton XP2500+.
Officially this is not supported by my motherboard, since it does not support a 166 MHz fsb. However, it does support all the t-bred 133 MHz (fsb) up to 2600+. Is there a way to cut and/or paint the bridges on the Barton, so that it will be recognized by BIOS as a t-bred with a 133 MHz fsb?

Any advice or experiences?

Thanks in advance for any helpful pointers!

- Harald H.

Beiträge gesamt: 3 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2003 | Dabei seit: 7926 Tagen | Erstellt: 10:29 am 26. Mai 2003

OC Profi
22 Jahre dabei !

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core
2000 MHz @ 2800 MHz
50°C mit 1.35 Volt


you can try to use a mobile barton 2500+. It works with FSB 133MHz and multiplyer 14 @1866MHz. I have one on my a7v333 rev 1.01 that also supports only FSB 133MHz (official) (it means the bios don't support this processor but it runs very fine)

sorry for my bad english

AMD Athlon X2 3600+ @2800MHz - 1.35V / 280MHz Referenztakt / 4GB DDR2 800 RAM / AMD690G

Beiträge gesamt: 602 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Juli 2002 | Dabei seit: 8225 Tagen | Erstellt: 11:08 am 26. Mai 2003
aus Wien

OC Newbie
21 Jahre dabei !

AMD Barton
1833 MHz @ 2380 MHz
47°C mit 1.80 Volt

There is a way to change the Busspeed. The bridges where the Speed is encoded are the l12!

On an 133 MHz. Tbred the l12 look like this: l:::    (l = closed, : = open)
an on the Bartons (166 FSB) the l12 looks like that:  l:l:

Gotit? :wink:

(I've cutted this 3rd l12 on two of my Bartons, and they both work fine on my MSI K7D (after connecting the l5 - the MP mod and changing the multiplier to 15 - but thats a different story)

You are aware that u will have to change the Multiplier as well? (or u r going to end up with an XP1700+ (11x133) with 512 KB l2 Cache!)

15 should be a save (in the meaning of conservative) bet. Both my XP2500+ run at that multiplier with only 1,5V VCore (stepping AQXCA 03(11) - not completely certain 'bout the week)

Putting myself in your place, I would consider to upgrade the Board and the Rams as well! (there is a hell lot of Performance between the KT133 with SD-Rams and any other Chipset that supports 166 MHz. FSB with DDR Rams)

(Geändert von DrunkNStupid um 16:46 am Mai 26, 2003)

Sys 1: Dual Barton 2 x 2380 MHz. (17x 140) @ 1,8V auf MSI K7D Master-L, Zern Wak.
Sys 2: XP2100+ (AIUHB 0248) @ 2405 MHz. (12 x 200) @ 1,925V auf Epox 8rda+, luftgekühlt
Sys 3: XP2500+ (AQXEA 0321) auf Epox 8rda3+ .... curr. testing ( 2,43 GHz. 11x220 @ 1,95V) Zern Wak.

Beiträge gesamt: 85 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: April 2003 | Dabei seit: 7951 Tagen | Erstellt: 16:39 am 26. Mai 2003
aus Norway

21 Jahre dabei !

AMD Thunderbird B
1000 MHz @ 1400 MHz
51°C mit 1.7 Volt


And thanks for the replies.

I'm curious how they are recognized by BIOS? Is SSE enabled?

For me, the best upgrade to my computer is a Barton (which currently here in Norway sells for approx.  ?100). I'll pop in the fastest processor I can get (and the larger cache of Barton helps offset my slow memory system somewhat) and live with it until Athlon64 platforms become available and cheap.

A mobile Barton is an interesting alternative, but perhaps more expensive than the desktop version?

So long,

Harald H.

(Geändert von haha um 19:05 am Mai 28, 2003)

Beiträge gesamt: 3 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2003 | Dabei seit: 7926 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:03 am 28. Mai 2003

OC Profi
22 Jahre dabei !

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core
2000 MHz @ 2800 MHz
50°C mit 1.35 Volt

If the Bios is supporting the Tbred CPU up to XP2600+, the system should also works fine with CPU's based on barton core. The mobile CPU's are hard to get at "normal" PC-shop's. I did get my one from a person who works at AMD. The price will be 20% over the desktopversion of the CPU.

The easiest and cheapest way to use the barton on your system will be a desktop barton modified with the Pin-Mod . unfortunately in german language.

AMD Athlon X2 3600+ @2800MHz - 1.35V / 280MHz Referenztakt / 4GB DDR2 800 RAM / AMD690G

Beiträge gesamt: 602 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Juli 2002 | Dabei seit: 8225 Tagen | Erstellt: 10:57 am 29. Mai 2003
aus Versehen

Real OC or Post God !
22 Jahre dabei !

Intel Core i3
3100 MHz mit 1.10 Volt

The mobile Barton is too expensive. An XP2400+ will perform better at FSB133 than the mobile Barton (2000MHz vs 1866MHz), the cache has no effekt on your system.

So this would be the best solution for you (and a cheaper one).

PC1: i3-2100, HD 5870, 8GB /// PC2: X3 435@3,22GHz, HD 5750, 4GB /// PC3: X3 400e@2,3GHz @0,99V, HD 5670, 4GB ///  Mein Spielmobil

Beiträge gesamt: 30834 | Durchschnitt: 4 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Jan. 2003 | Dabei seit: 8051 Tagen | Erstellt: 11:11 am 29. Mai 2003
aus Gronau (Leine)

Real OC or Post God !
23 Jahre dabei !

AMD Ryzen 7
3800 MHz @ 4600 MHz
60°C mit 1.325 Volt

i think u should also change your board and memory because the barton will never run with full power

first its slown down by the FSB of only 133.. second your SDRam is a huge loss of performance..

and a new NForce for example isnt very expensive ( or maybe a K7S5A - think its better than your kt133a ) and DDR - Ram is also cheaper than SDRam ( here in germany )

so sell your CPU and Board and RAM and buy for example

- low cost -
pc266 ram

or better
nforce or kt333 board
pc333 ram

when you dont want to change your board a normal XP will be better because the loss of performance isnt that big and you will save some money

-- and i think you can wait for a long time until the amd 64 is cheap

Work like you don´t need the money    Love like you´ve never been hurt         Dance like nobody´s watching             Sing like nobody´s listening
But Live as if you will die today

Beiträge gesamt: 17781 | Durchschnitt: 2 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2001 | Dabei seit: 8665 Tagen | Erstellt: 12:14 am 29. Mai 2003
aus Versehen

Real OC or Post God !
22 Jahre dabei !

Intel Core i3
3100 MHz mit 1.10 Volt

The K7S5A doesn´t suppert FSB166.

A cheap but good performing combination would be:
ASRock K7S8X
XP2600+ boxed (FSB333)
512mb pc333
~ 215,- Euro

PC1: i3-2100, HD 5870, 8GB /// PC2: X3 435@3,22GHz, HD 5750, 4GB /// PC3: X3 400e@2,3GHz @0,99V, HD 5670, 4GB ///  Mein Spielmobil

Beiträge gesamt: 30834 | Durchschnitt: 4 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Jan. 2003 | Dabei seit: 8051 Tagen | Erstellt: 12:55 am 29. Mai 2003
aus Bärlin :))

OC God
22 Jahre dabei !

AMD Athlon 64
1800 MHz @ 2700 MHz
45°C mit 1.55 Volt

Zitat von NWD am 12:14 am Mai 29, 2003
i think u should also change your board and memory because the barton will never run with full power

first its slown down by the FSB of only 133.. second your SDRam is a huge loss of performance..

and a new NForce for example isnt very expensive ( or maybe a K7S5A - think its better than your kt133a ) and DDR - Ram is also cheaper than SDRam ( here in germany )

so sell your CPU and Board and RAM and buy for example

- low cost -
pc266 ram

or better
nforce or kt333 board
pc333 ram

when you dont want to change your board a normal XP will be better because the loss of performance isnt that big and you will save some money

-- and i think you can wait for a long time until the amd 64 is cheap


er hat aber gesagt, dass er auf den Athlon64 wartet (einschl. Plattform) darum wird es sich kein neues mobo kaufen wollen, obwohl es natürlich nahelieged wäre um nicht die neu erworbene performance von SDRAM ausbremsen zu lassen...

"Ich habe einen AMD Athlon und einen Pentium III aus dem Fenster geworfen."
"Der AMD Athlon war wirklich schneller!"

Beiträge gesamt: 7006 | Durchschnitt: 1 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Feb. 2002 | Dabei seit: 8380 Tagen | Erstellt: 19:57 am 29. Mai 2003
aus Norway

21 Jahre dabei !

AMD Thunderbird B
1000 MHz @ 1400 MHz
51°C mit 1.7 Volt


Thanks for the input. I am a cheapskate. I just want to get my current platform running the best it can for a sub 100,- Euro cost.  Some of my applications, such as scientific computing and video-encoding are mostly CPU limited, and my system would get a significant boost going from a 1.4 GHz t-bird to a 2.x GHz overclocked Barton or t-bred.

Urbs, the pin-mod looks interesting. Maybe I'll revive my rusty high-school German and dig into it....

Kammerjaeger, I would offcourse overclock the CPU. The larger cache of the Barton should have some effect, and I would expect the Barton overall to perform better than the t-bred at the same fsb and core frequency. But the difference may be small and not worth the hassle to modify the Barton....


Harald H.

Beiträge gesamt: 3 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag
Registrierung: Mai 2003 | Dabei seit: 7926 Tagen | Erstellt: 9:30 am 30. Mai 2003