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OC God 22 Jahre dabei !
Intel Core i7 2933 MHz mit 1.145 Volt
übrigens hab was gefunden... du hast dir beim modden wahrscheinlich irgendwie dein bios etwas zerschossen - ka wie, was und wo, aber du bist anscheinden nicht der einzige!!! tritt scheinbar öfters auf, wenn man an der vdd rumlötet...
I had the exact same error when I modded my NB/SB, but I got out of it, so dont give up yet. Here is what I did. 1. Disconnect power cable from PSU. 2. Remove battery. 3. Move clear cmos jumper over for a couple minutes. 4. put battery back in, then power cable. 5. Fire up your rig (hopefully) This is a long shot, but I made a mistake once, maybe it was the RIGHT mistake... 1. Disconnect power cable from PSU. 2. Remove battery. 3. Move clear cmos jumper over for a couple minutes. 4. DO NOT put battery back in, put on power cable. 5. Fire up your rig, (it wont work) 6. Go through the PROPER procedure. I say this because I forgot to put the battery back in once, and tried to start the computer. After the boot failed, I was going to attempt to clear cmos again, and realized that I forgot to put the battery in. So, I did it all over again, and remembered the battery. This time I was able to get into the bios and selected the fail safe defaults.. Hope it works for you.. Maybe I got lucky and stumbled on to something... Oh, and at one point I tried putting a 98 startup disk in there too.
| vielleicht bringt das ja was mfg BlackHawk
Schreibe kurz - und sie werden es lesen. Schreibe klar - und sie werden es verstehen. Schreibe bildhaft - und sie werden es im Gedächtnis behalten!
Beiträge gesamt: 9291 | Durchschnitt: 1 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Juli 2002 | Dabei seit: 8213 Tagen | Erstellt: 17:25 am 3. März 2003
OC God 22 Jahre dabei !
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 2000 MHz @ 3000 MHz 43°C mit 1.39 Volt
Zitat von BlackHawk am 17:25 am März 3, 2003 übrigens hab was gefunden... du hast dir beim modden wahrscheinlich irgendwie dein bios etwas zerschossen - ka wie, was und wo, aber du bist anscheinden nicht der einzige!!! tritt scheinbar öfters auf, wenn man an der vdd rumlötet...
I had the exact same error when I modded my NB/SB, but I got out of it, so dont give up yet. Here is what I did. 1. Disconnect power cable from PSU. 2. Remove battery. 3. Move clear cmos jumper over for a couple minutes. 4. put battery back in, then power cable. 5. Fire up your rig (hopefully) This is a long shot, but I made a mistake once, maybe it was the RIGHT mistake... 1. Disconnect power cable from PSU. 2. Remove battery. 3. Move clear cmos jumper over for a couple minutes. 4. DO NOT put battery back in, put on power cable. 5. Fire up your rig, (it wont work) 6. Go through the PROPER procedure. I say this because I forgot to put the battery back in once, and tried to start the computer. After the boot failed, I was going to attempt to clear cmos again, and realized that I forgot to put the battery in. So, I did it all over again, and remembered the battery. This time I was able to get into the bios and selected the fail safe defaults.. Hope it works for you.. Maybe I got lucky and stumbled on to something... Oh, and at one point I tried putting a 98 startup disk in there too.
| vielleicht bringt das ja was mfg BlackHawk
| Danke Dir für Deine Mühen! Ich teste es gleich mal.
Beiträge gesamt: 3511 | Durchschnitt: 0 Postings pro Tag Registrierung: Juli 2002 | Dabei seit: 8230 Tagen | Erstellt: 21:50 am 3. März 2003