Member Since: 27. Juli 2006
Member Title: Mitglied
Last Post: Last posted in T: Tausche Nvidia 5600xt on 27. Juli 2006
Total Posts: 5
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Location: Delligsen
CPU manufacturer and type: Intel Pentium IV NW
CPU manufacture year and week:
CPU product ID / OPN:
Original CPU-speed: 2800
Overclocked CPU-speed: 2800
CPU Core-voltage: 1.5
CPU default-temperature: 45
CPU overclocked-temperature: 45
Cooler-type: Watercooler
All other PC-Informations: Arbeitsspeicher 1024MB pc 400 cl2.5-4-4-8
Grafikkarte Nvidia 5600XT 256MB (Ram:600Mhz,GPU:400Mhz)
Mainbord Gigabyte  8ipe-1000 G
Netzteil 420 Watt
Festplatten Maxtor 80GB,Maxtor 40GB

Benchmark Werte:
Super PI: 38 sec.