Member Since: 31. Dez. 2002
Member Title: Mitglied
Last Post: Last posted in 20 Jahre OCinside Gewinnspiel on 3. Dez. 2019
Total Posts: 877
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Location: Fallingbostel
CPU manufacturer and type: Intel Core 2 Duo
CPU manufacture year and week:
CPU product ID / OPN:
Original CPU-speed: 3000
Overclocked CPU-speed: 4020
CPU Core-voltage: 1.325
CPU default-temperature: 49
CPU overclocked-temperature: 68
Cooler-type: Aircooler
All other PC-Informations: Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 7,5x535Mhz, ASUS P5Q-E, ATI Radeon HD4850, 2x2GB OCZ Platinium DDR1066, 1000GB Samsung, Zalman 9500, 4x120er Lüfter @ultrasilent

Benchmark Werte:
3DMark06: 13081 Punkte