Member Since: 31. Mai 2006
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CPU manufacturer and type: Intel Pentium IV NW
CPU manufacture year and week:
CPU product ID / OPN: D1
Original CPU-speed: 3000
Overclocked CPU-speed: 3600
CPU Core-voltage: 1.55
CPU default-temperature: 40
CPU overclocked-temperature: 46
Cooler-type: Aircooler
All other PC-Informations: CPU running at: 15x240MHzx
-Zalman CNPS 7000A-Cu fan.
-2GB DDR PC3200 2.5-3-3-8@200MHz running at 5:4
-ATI x850 Pro with 4 unlocked pipelines running at 582/621MHz (also Zalman fan)
2x160GB HHD

Passed all three Prime95 torture tests running for 48hours each.

Benchmark Werte:
3DMark06: 2266 Punkte