Member Since: 24. März 2004
Member Title: Mitglied
Last Post: Last posted in AMD Athlon 64 4000+ (939) " San Diego" Schafft der 2,9 GHz ? on 15. Nov. 2006
Total Posts: 4
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CPU manufacturer and type: AMD Athlon 64
CPU manufacture year and week:
CPU product ID / OPN:
Original CPU-speed: 2400
Overclocked CPU-speed: 3000
CPU Core-voltage: 1.50
CPU default-temperature: 43
CPU overclocked-temperature: 48
Cooler-type: Aircooler
All other PC-Informations: 2x nvidia GF7800GT
2x512MB OCZ DDR400 2.0 3 2 5 T1

Benchmark Werte:
3DMark01: 31000 Punkte
3DMark03: 27120 Punkte
3DMark05: 12600 Punkte
3DMark06: 6200 Punkte
Aquamark: 97200 Punkte
Super PI: 29 sec.