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-- Veröffentlicht durch B Magic am 0:41 am 14. März 2003
Und hier die Fixes; - Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23D is included in this BIOS package. - Update on chip VGA BIOS to v4.1F.00.07.13 (for NF7-M only). - Fix share memory allocation issue for NF7-M when AGP card installed. - Fix fail to create DMI Pool data when CPUID=064X CPU installed. - Fix booting failure issue for Corsair TwinX-3200LL and CMX256A-3200LL memory modules. - Revise the DDR frequency reading during POST. - Update on board Serial ATA BIOS to v4.2.12 (for NF7-S only). Please also update Serial ATA driver to - Disable power button temporarily when update BIOS. This is to protect BIOS data from corrupt if pushing power button during BIOS flashing. - Fix the problem that CPU core voltage reading is a little lower in PC Health page; meanwhile, the Hardware Monitoring tool needs to be updated to "HWM_NF7V16.EXE" together with BIOS update. - Correct the "Battery Voltage" wording to "3.3V Dual Voltage" in PC Health; meanwhile, the Hardware Monitoring tool needs to be updated to"HWM_NF7V16.EXE" together with BIOS update. - Change the maximum CPU FSB from 200 to 250 MHz in SoftMenu. BIOS Compile Date: 2/27/2003 Download: Bios-File Alex Edit: Meinte natürlich 1.6 ;) (Geändert von B Magic um 0:43 am März 14, 2003)