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-- Veröffentlicht durch MarioK am 9:06 am 29. Mai 2006
Aol Router einstellungen
-- Veröffentlicht durch DexterDX1 am 22:38 am 19. Mai 2006
kontonameohneleerzeichen@de.aol.com EDIT wegen Verdreher... (Geändert von DexterDX1 um 22:42 am Mai 19, 2006)
-- Veröffentlicht durch SPYcorp am 0:29 am 19. Mai 2006
Kurz überflogen und schon war meine Abneigung gegen AOL noch größer :gulp: Cannot Log on to AOL Through Router Upgrade, if you aren't using AOL 9.0 or later. Note that you MUST have an AOL account with MSL (Multiple Simultaneous Login) — which allows you to have more than one AOL screenname — to connect to AOL using a router. This link explains AOL MSL. Any NETGEAR router can connect to AOL. To get connected with AOL through a router, make sure you complete each phase before going on: Phase 1: Install AOL software on a computer that is directly connected to the Internet (without a router). Make sure you can log in to your AOL account. This link has AOL's installation instructions. If you cannot connect to AOL without a router, you MUST contact AOL for support. Phase 2: Create a second AOL account, using the instructions below: "To Create AOL Accounts". Phase 3: Physically connect a NETGEAR router into your network. Configure the router so it can access AOL using the instructions below: "To Configure the Router." Phase 4: Turn off the modem, router, and computer. Reboot the modem, router and computer, in that order. Test your direct Internet connection using Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. The AOL software is not used in this phase — you want to be able to connect to the Internet without using AOL. Now you have established the NETGEAR router is working correctly. Phase 5: Configure the AOL client software for each computer that will access AOL through the router. The AOL client must be set to "Broadband connection" or "Broadband networking". (These use the TCP/IP protocol.) If there's a problem with AOL during this phase, you MUST contact AOL for support. This AOL page describes AOL problems with TCP/IP. To Create AOL Accounts Your AOL connections must be TCP/IP. If you have set them to something else, set them back to TCP/IP. Remove your router from the network, and log on to AOL using a computer directly connected to the modem. Log on to your AOL master account. To access the AOL "Create a Screen Name", do a keyword search on names, and select Create Screen Name. The "Create a Screen" window appears. Click Create Screen Name. The "Create a Screen" window appears, asking whether the screen name is for a child. Click either button to continue — it doesn't matter which — and click Continue. The "Choose a Screen Name" window appears. Chose a name for this account, and click Continue. You may want to name one of the accounts you create something like myaolrouteraccount. The "Choose a password" screen appears. Use only characters from a-z and from 0-9. Enter a password twice, and click Continue. The "Select a Parental Controls setting" window appears. Make any selection on this screen, and click Continue. The "Master Screen Name status?" window appears. Select either option, and click Continue. The "Your New Screen Name" window appears. Select Accept Controls. The "AOL Screen Names" window appears. It will include all the accounts you have added to this point. Repeat Steps 4 through 9 for each router or computer that will connect to AOL.Reconnect the router to the modem and your network. To Configure the Router (Other suggestions are available by typing one step as an AOL keyword.) Start a browser, and type in the address box. Click Setup > Basic Settings. Under "Does Your Internet Connection Require a Login?" select Yes. A new item "Internet Service Provider" appears on the page. Select Other in the pull down. If it appears, you may select PPPoE instead, if you use it. DO NOT SELECT AOL! For "Login", enter an AOL account username followed by @aol.com. E.g., myaolrouteraccount@aol.com. The login name and password must both be lowercase! For "Password", enter the AOL password for this account.
-- Veröffentlicht durch Bones am 20:43 am 18. Mai 2006
Ich habe heute 2 Stunden lang versucht bei nem Kumpel das sch**** AOL auf dem Router zum laufen zu bekommen. Ich hab jede Schreibweise ausprobiert nicht hat funktioniert. Ich ahb haupt und nebenkontos versucht - NICHTS. Wenn man sich per AOL 9.0 einwählt gehts dagegen einwandfrei. Kann mir jemand sagen wie die syntax bei AOL im router ist und was für ein Benutzer gewählt sein muss etc. ?