>12.5x multiplier on KR7A?
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--- >12.5x multiplier on KR7A?
Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 8 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 3 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 14.97 Gramm Papier.
-- Veröffentlicht durch mikeraach am 2:02 am 13. Feb. 2003
To gain higher multipliers you must brake the L3 connectors. Example, brake the last 2 L3 bridges to obtain a default 15x multiplier. I am curious to know if this works becuase I want to do this to my cpu. If you have done it, please post. Also, if you need to cut the bridges, follow this link for an easy method: http://www.amdforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=191920
-- Veröffentlicht durch ocolli am 11:40 am 7. Feb. 2003
-- Veröffentlicht durch darkcrawler am 13:57 am 28. Jan. 2003
use a "known" multiplier, such as 15 (of a fsb 133 xp 2400) that should work.
-- Veröffentlicht durch Timex am 0:50 am 28. Jan. 2003 I've gone by what the paint job said and tried to set my FSB to x16.5 but it will not use that value. I'm using a KR7A-133R and it only list up to x12.5. By the way the CPU I'm overclocking is a TBred "B". Can anyone help me, I just need to know how it can be done. Thanks
-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 9:00 am 19. Dez. 2002
I think 1667 MHz isn't bad at all for a 1700+ CPU, so i'm not sure how high your processor finally might go :noidea:
-- Veröffentlicht durch Adde am 1:30 am 19. Dez. 2002
Thanks for the quick answer.
-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 18:24 am 18. Dez. 2002
-- Veröffentlicht durch Adde am 0:35 am 17. Dez. 2002
I have recently bought an Xp 1700+ Throughbread A (DLT3) or whatever those letters were. Anyway its one of those Cpu:s that should have 1.5V Core voltage. I didnt need to unlock or anything, just choose any higher multiplier that was available and it worked without problems.
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