Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 6 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 2 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 9.98 Gramm Papier.
-- Veröffentlicht durch waltherstefan am 22:44 am 21. Aug. 2002
sorry guys, but there is no english page for the gigabyte ga-7dxr. but i did the mod last time. if you want to know somethin just ask. btw i used a adjustable resistor with 30kOhm in combination with a 10kOhm resistor. the soldering is very easy, you only have to solder like on the pictures of the german version. so i got my vcore to a maximum of about 2.3V.
-- Veröffentlicht durch MMAXX am 13:01 am 7. Okt. 2001
Is there one? My, My, My! I didn't know! Well actually I am german :) but english is a good language!
-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 16:43 am 20. Sep. 2001
Thanks ! But you know that there's also an english page, don't you ? ;)
-- Veröffentlicht durch tai3k am 15:55 am 20. Sep. 2001
Thank you very much ocinside, Sorry for being late, my computer was down. Here's what I did, instead of a 17k I used a 16K series with a high precision 3k pot adjusted to 17k. That way I can adjusted less or more as I choose.. BTW, this side is awesome, very nice. Wish I can read German.. thanks
-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 15:57 am 17. Sep. 2001
Hi, I thought that i already wrote it in english, but i'm wrong :( Please look at this guide in german, there's a picture of the solder positions: https://www.ocinside.de/html/workshop/gigabyte_ga7dxr_vcore_d.html You just have to solder a 17k resistors to these points ;) The english guide is following soon, sorry once again.
-- Veröffentlicht durch tai3k am 1:41 am 17. Sep. 2001
Hi all, I have a GA-7DXR mobo and the VCORE_OC is optional.. I'm interested in modification to get more than 1.85 vcore_oc. I've been searching everywhere and this site seems to have the answer for this but don't understand German: https://www.ocinside.de/index_e.html?/html/workshop/msi_k7t_turbo_vcore.html Can someone help me and give me some detail process of what involve be side pin 7 of IC and pin 3 of transitor and a 17K ohm resistor of the above link? Thank you very much Tai