Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 5 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 2 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 9.98 Gramm Papier.
-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 17:06 am 17. Juni 2014
Sounds great :thumb: Where do you come from ? Did the USB Hub method work ? BTW. I you've the internal WaterChill, you should also check once again if the internal USB plug is connected properly to the motherboard USB header and also check if the pinout of your internal USB header is equal to your USB plug. Difficult to say what you can ask for these parts, may be approx. 70 EUR for the internal Asetek WaterChill or approx. 100 EUR if you've the Asetek WaterChill Xternal and approx. 50-70 EUR for the Maximus II Formula, approx. 30 EUR for the DDR2 memory and approx. 30 EUR for the E6850. DDR2 memory is rare, may be you get a higher price at Ebay.
-- Veröffentlicht durch nicoloryan am 1:40 am 18. Mai 2014
Thank you for the tips.. will try to test with a usb hub.. maybe that will work i had a UPS which had a similar problem years back.. If not i will sell this Asetek with the old Maximus II formula the 4gb of ddr2 and the intel 6850.. By the way do you have any idea of how much i could ask for these old components? I'm leaving on tuesday to go work on a boat where i installed a multimedia system last year with a 16 TB NAS. pretty sweet! Keep you posted on the USB hub test..
-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 18:38 am 15. Mai 2014
Yes, I fully agree Marauder25. Unknown device could mean that it's not possible to install the device correctly over this USB Controller without modifications. Try the other USB controller or try to connect the Asetek Waterchill Xtreme over an USB Hub to your new motherboard.
-- Veröffentlicht durch Marauder25 am 15:42 am 15. Mai 2014
Hello, and welcome to the Board. Gratulations to your new System..nice one. Did you also changed your Operating System? Maybe there are newer Drivers released by Asetek. Try to make a clean uninstall of the old Drivers, if you used Migration Tools to port your Hard Drive. Then try installing the newest drivers from the developer website. Maybe there is also a Problem with the USB Drivers of the Board. Not a bad idea to check if everything is properly installed and set up in the Bios. And/or use a USB2.0 instead of a USB3.0 Port. That could also be a possible reason for the Problem. Greetings, Mike (Geändert von Marauder25 um 15:42 am Mai 15, 2014)
-- Veröffentlicht durch nicoloryan am 12:11 am 15. Mai 2014
Hello All, I need your help to install software and drivers for the Asetek Waterchill Xtreme. I followed to the letter the guide in the instructions manual and the one on the OCinside website. Everything was working before I changed some components of my PC. Original working setup: Maximus II, Core Duo E6850, 4 GB DDR2 OCZ This is the new setup: Sabertooth Z77, i7 3770K, 16 GB DDR3 TEAM ELITE I was able to make a screen shot and upload it to postimg.org of the error i get in device manager. here is the link: postimg.org/image/61brhwowv/ As a result of this when the Waterchill control panel is installed and I run the program.. the program cannot feel the Waterchill pump attached to the PC because the is no driver installed. I see from the instructions that i need to load a .inf file from the installation DIR called "Asetek.inf" But I get an error that the file trying to be uploaded is not compatible. I hope that someone can help me fix this issue. nicolò