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-- Veröffentlicht durch profigimp am 11:44 am 11. Mai 2005
welcome to ocinside :ocinside: It depends on your cooling system. You have to know that you demand more than your cpu could achieve, so you have to accommodate your CPU with more v-core (CPU voltage) But be careful Your CPU temperatures rise if you set a higher V-Core Before you do OC you have to download some programs: - A program, in which you can see your CPU and system temperatures. (motherboard monitor) - A program, which tests your sytem, if it works stable with the new settings. (Prime 95) Then (if your temps are acceptable with the standard v-core (1,65) in the range of 40-45° after playing an ambitious game) you cabn try to set an Fsb of 200 and a multiplier of 11,5. This would mean 2300 mhz. But it's implausible that your system will run system will run stable eith this settings without rising the V- core. So you have to try with v-Core of 1,7 if its stable (use prime 95 to test) or with 1,75 try rising the v-core until the system is stable or the temps are too high (about 55°). I think you can't change the multiplier.:noidea: If you cab it would be better to start with 200 x 10,5 :thumb: Try it. Your mainboard and your Ram should deal with 200 mhz FSB Good luck ;)
-- Veröffentlicht durch raphael am 18:41 am 10. Mai 2005
I have this system, and I would like to make a OC, can someone show-me the right way, thx!:thumb: Barton 2600+ 1916mhz AXDA 2600DKV4D 1089196A40293 AQEA 0403WPMW 1999 MB K7N2 Delta L (Nforce2 ultra 400) 1GB Ram 512x2 DDR400 I have tried OC with pin-mod, but nothing:noidea:, I tried run with 200hzFSB(400mhz) and 12x clock,how can I run with this OC?