MSI K7T Turbo 2 vcore&vio mod

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--- MSI K7T Turbo 2 vcore&vio mod

Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 16 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 6 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 29.94 Gramm Papier.

-- Veröffentlicht durch MiseryQ am 4:14 am 11. Dez. 2002

I used ocinsides link and it worked for me too...
I'm running Prime95 at a level I could'nt even get into Windows before!!!

-- Veröffentlicht durch MiseryQ am 1:45 am 11. Dez. 2002

borchi,,, Which guide did you use to mod it?!?
Is it the guide ocinside posted?!?

I've been looking to do this since the board was new...

-- Veröffentlicht durch borchi am 12:54 am 20. März 2002

NO! :-(
I know, it looks right, it feels right... will check again but i'm 99% positive. i googled probably all the chips' markings and more or less eliminated all but that 4410A chip. as i said, there is a small triangle printed in the second line.

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 12:14 am 20. März 2002

No it doesn't, but it's no stupid question ;) (oh and let the nose of the smily away then you'll get this: ;) )

There're several types of IC available at the market where some are software programable and others not.

So the manufacturer can decide if he like to allow the users to modify the VIO, Vcore, VDIMM, etc. via BIOS or not.

It's also a big price difference for the manufacturer and in such a hard business there's normally no space for an price increasement of 1 US $ !!!

But another question - is there really no more sign or character before the 4410A ???

-- Veröffentlicht durch borchi am 11:50 am 20. März 2002

i just thought of this: Turbo2 doesn't offer i/o voltage settings via bios. it is grayed out and the value is always cca. 3.45V ( 3.42V in my case ). does that mean that there is no need for a chip that handles vio and that we could modify. sorry if that's a stupid question ;-)

-- Veröffentlicht durch borchi am 16:29 am 19. März 2002

I found 2 8-pin chips.

One is located near Dimm slots with this on it:

*19A7          * is a small triangle

The other is located near the AGP and PCI1 slot:


any ideas?

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 7:42 am 13. März 2002

Yes, do that ;)
We're looking forward for your Chip numbers ;)

-- Veröffentlicht durch borchi am 12:12 am 12. März 2002

so, there's still some hope! i'll try to locate that "vio-responsible-chip" ;-)

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 9:46 am 12. März 2002

I don't think that the VIO chip have a heatsink and mostly the VIO chip isn't beneath the socket ;)

-- Veröffentlicht durch borchi am 20:31 am 11. März 2002

:-))))))) i've done it! i just finished vcore mod! thanks for all the help ocinside! vio will be more difficult i think as some chips around socket have heatsinks on and the heatsinks can't be removed. if i knew for sure which chip should i modify do you think it can be modified from the back of the board??

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 18:52 am 11. März 2002

Ok, then take this guide for the Vcore mod:

And yes of course you could use another VIO guide if you find one.
Mostly the VIO regulators have from 8 (2x4) up to 14 (2x7) pins.

-- Veröffentlicht durch borchi am 14:18 am 11. März 2002

ok, i took the board out and found out that turbo2 doesn't have Semtech sc2422 chip, but it does have HIP 6301. i saw a vcore mod for gigabyte GA-7DXR with that same chip so i supose that i should just follow that guide.

btw, what do the chips that regulate vio voltage look like? i could transcribe the numbers from all the chips on the board and search the net for vio mods and maybe find a mod on some other board with the same vio chip regulator. or would that be too risky?

thanks again!

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 8:34 am 11. März 2002

I don't like to say that it's impossible, but i've already sent my K7T turbo testboard back and don't know the VIO voltage regulator :(

-- Veröffentlicht durch borchi am 21:41 am 10. März 2002


So, the vio mod is not possible?

-- Veröffentlicht durch ocinside am 18:11 am 10. März 2002

Yes, it should be the same voltage regulator as on the K7T Turbo board.
But i've written no VIO guide, sorry :(

-- Veröffentlicht durch borchi am 17:48 am 10. März 2002

Does anyone know how to modify the MSI K7T Turbo 2 board to get higher vcore and vio voltage. Is the vcore mod same as for MSI K7T Turbo? What about vio?

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