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-- Veröffentlicht durch WiseGuy am 12:21 am 31. Mai 2004
I also got the Asus A7N8X-X and I can set the vcore up tp 1.9v. So try to update the bios with the uber-bios 1007 for your A7N8X-X. you can get the bios here . It works to flash the uber-bios with asus-update.
-- Veröffentlicht durch Sanito am 18:30 am 30. Mai 2004
Nwd, I tried to overclock with the mem at 100% FSB and it didn't work anyway. Apparently RAM is not the problem, it is the CPU that seems to be a bad stepping dont you think? I take your advice not to go further than 1.85v with the pinmod. Question is, is it a safe method, works the same for durons than thoroughbreds? thanks for your answer Sanito
-- Veröffentlicht durch NWD am 14:32 am 29. Mai 2004
well but just try to run the Memory at 100% of the FSB cause now there are 3 things which could have reached the maximum of speed -> Your CPU could be at the end -> Your Memory could be at the end -> Maybe your Mainboard is at the end... .. Mainboard is only MAYBE but the memory could really be a problem So try again @ 100% Memory and increase the FSB.. If it works then your memory is trash cause it can not really be overclocked. If this doesnt work its your CPU.. So do the PinMod and increase the VCore.. 1,85Volts is a nice value.. but i wouldn´t go further than this
-- Veröffentlicht durch Sanito am 14:53 am 28. Mai 2004
Thanks for your answer, I guess I'll try the pin-mod. As you say, maybe I've reached the max potencial for the cpu, but I'm not satisfied until I try with a higher Vcore, say 1.85v at least... I think I could get it at least to the 22xxMhz... Regarding memory, it is running quite fast according to Sisoft Sandra, I don't want to mess up with memory too much, I'm happy if it runs stable, don't want to up the vmem. Memory costed me twice as much as the CPU to risk it, I could buy a new micro but no new mem :D greetings Sanito
-- Veröffentlicht durch Master of Puppetz am 10:24 am 28. Mai 2004
@ first: not every cpu is an overclockers dream. I would suggest to run the ram at 100% of the fsb because a higher memory clock isn't faster on an amd system, in most cases its slower:blubb: . Then try again (maybe the ram ist clocked out @ 415Mhz:noidea:). With 175-180MHz you can run faster mem settings (cl 2,5 or maybe cl2 with higer vmem). But its also possible that the processort has reached out:noidea: and you can reach higher vcore with the pinmod, but a higher multiplier needs the same voltage than a high fsb. (Geändert von Master of Puppetz um 10:25 am Mai 28, 2004)
-- Veröffentlicht durch Sanito am 0:28 am 28. Mai 2004
Hi everyone, I'd like some helpful advice about overclocking my processor because I'm not pleased with the results I achieved. My system is a Duron Applebred 1600 @ 2124Mhz Mother is a ASUS A7N8X-X Rev 2.0 Memory is Generic Advance Memory modules 512MB ddr400 with latency of 3 Aircooler is topower CC100 4500 rpm ball bearing with copper heatsink and white paste Thing is I can't pass the 21xxMhz stable, the Vcore is now 1.75v (it's the most the BIOS allows me), My method for overclocking so far has been incresing the FSB, it's at 175Mhz now. I could warm boot the system at FSBs higher than 180Mhz but it wouldn't run stable and it wouldn't do a cold boot. At 23xxMhz windows wouldn't start, at 22xxMhz windows starts but it fails prime95 testing in a few minutes. I think the RAM hasn't been the problem, now I'm running it at 120% of 175Mhz, which is 412Mhz and it is stable and passes prime testing. The temperature of the core is not the problem either I suppose, because it never passes 50 degrees celsius. Now at 2124Mhz it is at 45C. My question is, is this only a problem of the voltage? I've seen people overclocked their applebreds to real high speeds with just 1.7v.... if instead of increasing the FSB I try some kind of pin mod to change the multiplier, would it need less voltage to get me stable speeds? Do the pin mods for Tbreds apply the same to applebred durons? Is there a way to increase Vcore without modding the motherboard? Regards from Argentina Sanito