Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 7 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 3 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 14.97 Gramm Papier.
-- Veröffentlicht durch innuendo am 15:44 am 22. Juni 2004
Ahemmm.. If only it could be easy.. Yesterday I tried to cut the bridge with the "burning by shortcut" trick. But I couldn't do it because the down end of the bridge is no more. (I drilled them a few weeks ago, and now I can't see them anymore) Is there still a way to burn those bridges with the "burning by shortcut" trick ? Mine looks like this : I want to achieve this configuration (to set the lowest voltage) :
-- Veröffentlicht durch Master of Puppetz am 23:19 am 27. Mai 2004
For cutting Briges you can use this method. You only have to cut and ..ähhm... "paint" bridges together for the vcore you want to have. look into the "interaktive malanleitung" in the category news (for the newest version). Choose your favourite vcore and then start cutting and painting. It's not possible to change the multiplier "on da fly" in windows, I tried it;)
-- Veröffentlicht durch innuendo am 21:43 am 27. Mai 2004
I don't know what is the mobile mod... I only want to know if i can apply fossi's way (see upper post) to undervolt my thunderbird 1000Mhz.
-- Veröffentlicht durch Master of Puppetz am 20:23 am 24. Mai 2004
Zitat von innuendo am 13:45 am Mai 24, 2004 Thanks a lot for your very fast answer ! This forum rocks ! Can you tell me that this works for a Thunderbird, or have you done it for another kind of processor ?
| No, the mobile mod doesn't work on your cpu. For using this mod you have to use an Athlon XP (par example un 2500+;))
-- Veröffentlicht durch innuendo am 13:45 am 24. Mai 2004
Thanks a lot for your very fast answer ! This forum rocks ! Can you tell me that this works for a Thunderbid, or have you done it for another kind of processor ?
-- Veröffentlicht durch fossi am 9:41 am 24. Mai 2004
I`ve cut the brigge with 5Volt. Take 5Volt from your PowerSupply an then bring the 2 ends on the two points of the brigde for a short time. Then the bridge is open. I tested CPUMSR with my old KT133 but it doesn`t work. And you can`t make your Thunderbird to a moblie or mp Prozessor. cya
-- Veröffentlicht durch innuendo am 2:06 am 23. Mai 2004
Hi everybody ! Sorry for not speaking german (if you're german). I prefer speaking English though I come from France. Okai... i want to cut somme bridges on my thunderbird wich is in ceramic. I tried 3 times witch different tools (dremel, cutter, knife) but it didn't work ! How can I do it ? I've heard about something wich consists in applying a voltage beetween both ends of a bridge, to "burn" the bridge. Does it works ? How can I do it ? I've heard of programs that can change vcore voltage ? (CPUMSR) Do you know one, i can use on a gigabyte ga7zx-h (via kt133a) ? Or you've never heard of such a program... ?