My current System

- PC Forum

-- AMD Overclocking

--- My current System

Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 3 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 1 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 4.99 Gramm Papier.

-- Veröffentlicht durch Svenauskr am 10:14 am 9. Sep. 2003

#Moderation Mode

I'll move this to the english speaking section if you don't mind. :)

Btw. have you tried to increase the vcore a little bit?

Hierhin verschoben

-- Veröffentlicht durch darkcrawler am 9:56 am 9. Sep. 2003

hu, thats not the right forum, better try it in the english instead of german.

maybe ur cpu has the palomino or tbred a core, which often wont go over 1.7 -1.8 gig, so look at the stepping and ull find out if palo or tbred a / b;)

-- Veröffentlicht durch cheech2711 am 9:16 am 9. Sep. 2003

Is there anyone out there who can help me out with overclocking my athlonXP2000???:blubb:
My System: Enmic 8NAX(Nforce2) 333Mhz Ram in Dualchannelmode AthlonXP 2000 WD80GB and I am running winxp prof.:godlike:
So my prob is that I am only able to raise my cpu to 1750Mhz and thats it I tried it on 200FSB but there I have even less only 1700Mhz.
If I go higher then the screen stays black or windows won´t start :noidea:
So if there is anyone out there to help me :godlike::godlike::godlike: PC Forum
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