Athlon XP B0 & KT266A
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-- AMD Overclocking
--- Athlon XP B0 & KT266A
Ein Ausdruck des Beitrags mit 7 Antworten ergibt bei 3 Antworten pro Seite ca. 3 DIN A4 Seiten. Das entspricht bei 80 g/m² ca. 14.97 Gramm Papier.
-- Veröffentlicht durch SPYcorp am 15:20 am 4. April 2006
Well. Be very carefull with the screwdriver.
-- Veröffentlicht durch Beomaster am 17:34 am 3. April 2006 I often saw old heatsinks, the best ability to remove it is to use a screwdriver to push down the halt clamp, but make sure you find the right size, do not hit you motherboard!
-- Veröffentlicht durch minciNashu am 16:05 am 3. April 2006
I've just checked the BIOS. The VCORE is ~1.65. Anyway, my biggest problem now is that I can't remove the heatsink. How nuts is that ???
-- Veröffentlicht durch Beomaster am 13:12 am 3. April 2006
Just try out in small steps.
-- Veröffentlicht durch minciNashu am 8:49 am 3. April 2006 Yeah, I was thinking about that. The thing is that I don't know which voltage I should go for and which multiplier is safe for standard air cooling. I'd say that 13x is the maximum I could go for. That would turn my 1700 into a 2100.
-- Veröffentlicht durch Compjen am 23:22 am 2. April 2006 a way to chnage the multie is to use the Pinmod described into the workshop. It needs some time to change the multie but isn't to hard to do. I testet pinmod several times sucessful on kt 133 based Bords, it always worked fine :thumb:
-- Veröffentlicht durch minciNashu am 22:39 am 2. April 2006
Hello. I can speak German but not too well. Hope you're not offended. Anyway, here's my problem. I have an Athlon XP 1700+@1466MHz and a KT266A mobo. Is there any way I can make this rig go any faster ? I can't oc the CPU using the BIOS cause there's no option for this (shitty ASRock board). I was thinking about increasing the CPU's multiplier. But I don't know exactly what to do.
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