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HomerIII Erstellt: 9:20 am 16. April 2006

bald gibts die QuadSLIkarten auch normal zu kaufen.

Naja nur die Preise sind doch einzelne kostet auch 550.... Ach bei Arlt hats welche geben für 999 das Stück...

WE learned that Nvidia plans to ship its shorter versions of the Quad SLI capable cards for retail. It will brand those cards as Geforce 7950 GTX 2 and the cards should be available by the end of the month.

There is obviously demand for these cards and as we mentioned before Nvidia already sold a small quantity of a longer PCB version of the Quad SLI cards but didn't brand those. Those cards were for OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) and system integrators only.

The new ones, meant for retail only are branded as Geforce 7950 GTX 2. We remember that Nvidia used this 50 suffix with its Geforce FX chips and had cards such as Geforce 5950 and 5750 but this suffix actually meant that the card is bridged to PCIe, as the cards without suffix, Geforce FX 5900 was AGP only.

I guess that Nvidia ran out of the numbers this time as it could not brand those two chip cards Geforce 8000 and 7900 was too lame for a super expensive dual chip card.

We still don’t know the retail price but it should be around $800 to $900 a card. A lot, but not bad compared to the $600 price of the single 7900 GTX card. µ


Naja wer zuerst die 40k im 05er macht hat gewonnen


(Geändert von HomerIII um 9:32 am April 16, 2006)