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Tomalla Erstellt: 7:40 am 28. Jan. 2005

Futuremark hat heute neue Versionen seiner synthetischen Grafikkarten- und Systembenchmarks 3DMark03, 3DMark05 und PCMark04 veröffentlicht. Folgende Fixes wurden implementiert:

3DMark03 Patch (Build 3.6.0) Fixes
* Benchmark scores do not change between the build 3.6.0 and build 3.5.0;
* Updated System Info module with support for the latest CPU and graphics hardware;
* Updated version of the Entech library, which is used to detect the clock frequency of the graphics chip core and memory;
* Requires Microsoft DirectX® 9.0c End-User Runtime;
* Fixed all reported & reproduced bugs;
* Possible result vulnerability has been blocked

3DMark05 Build 1.2.0 Fixes
* Benchmark scores do not change between build 1.2.0 and build 1.1.0, except when the system is influenced by the changes listed below;
* Updated System Info module with support for the latest CPU and graphics hardware;
* GeForce FX-series now use VS2.a as default;
* Modified anisotropic texture filtering settings to ensure that all hardware performs the desired amount of filtering when anisotropic filtering is selected from the benchmark settings;
* Updated version of the Entech library, which is used to detect the clock frequency of the graphics chip core and memory;
* Improved compatibility for graphics cards with 128MB of video memory when using Anti-Aliasing;
* Various fixes & corrections to Image Quality Tools;
* Fixed all reported & reproduced bugs;
* Possible result vulnerability has been blocked

PCMark04 Patch (Build 1.3.0) Fixes
* Benchmark scores do not change between the build 1.3.0 and build 1.2.0;
* Updated System Info module with support for the latest CPU and graphics hardware;
* Updated version of the Entech library, which is used to detect the clock frequency of the graphics chip core and memory;
* Fixed all reported & reproduced bugs;
* Possible result vulnerability has been blocked

Download Links findet Ihr HIER.



(Geändert von Tomalla um 7:41 am Jan. 28, 2005)