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Erstellt: 0:19 am 2. Okt. 2003
ich hätte auch geholfen, hätte ich besser englisch gekonnt...
Erstellt: 18:20 am 30. Sep. 2003
dem kann ich nur zu stimmen. war echt geil, vor allem so kurzfristig.
Erstellt: 17:18 am 30. Sep. 2003
Hieran sieht man das OCINSIDE einfach die beste Community hat die es gibt
Erstellt: 16:54 am 30. Sep. 2003
vielen dank für eure hilfe
Erstellt: 9:23 am 30. Sep. 2003
Delaney prepares the evening meal until he notices that the pasta is missing. So he drives to the shopping centre with his son Jordan. There he meets his neighbour Jack and they converse about the last meeting. At once Jack jr. comes and they go to the cash. After paying they leave.Outside they see a controversy between a driver and the Mexican whom Delaney over-drived.(Delaney knocks the bloody mexican out wich`s kissing the ground in a Klitschkow manner. As he wakes up and tries to get his as up again, he looks right in to Delaneys eyes and as fast as he is running away his pants are filling up with chilly-shit)
different location:
Kyra is an estate agent, one day she where told by her boss to sell a house to Louisa and Bill Greutert. In the end she was happy the people didn´t want to buy this house, because she likes it verry much and don´t want them chillys to have it.
Next morning:
(Delaney is about to wright a article on his computer but all he can think off is this chilly mexican bastard.) The last evening was a mess, Jordan wasn´t hungry, Kyra was absent and the evening meal was rediculous. Delaney went for a walk and then he drove to the Canon and parked his car in front of a building site. He decided to enjoy the nature but all he could see was a kind of garbage deponie. He felt realy angry about this and walked on til he heard people talking. As he went further there where two latinos camping, drinking and throwing rubbish allover the place. Deleaney exploded like a furie, he jumped at the latinos and knocked them both out like he did before with that chilly bastard. As his temper came down slowly and he reaches the place where he parked his car he couldn´t believe it, some chillys nicked his car.So thats it, sad Delaney the chillys are going to die. So in the end he had to call Kyra to pick him up.Pisst of as he was he went into a gun shop an bought a shotgun and blow up half of the chilly town. Mexico has never seen a massaker like this before in history.
Die Story mal in einem anderen Licht
(Geändert von cheech2711 um 15:13 am Sep. 30, 2003)
klar, wir machen da jetzt ne bachelor-dissertation in englisch draus
Erstellt: 22:31 am 29. Sep. 2003
ihr habt doch alle langeweile,wa?
Erstellt: 22:04 am 29. Sep. 2003
So ist's auf jeden Fall schöner. Und ein Paar Fehler waren immer noch dabei.
Delaney prepares the evening meal until he notices that the pasta is missing. So he drives to the shopping centre with his son Jordan. There he meets his neighbour Jack and they converse about the last meeting. At once Jack jr. comes and they go to the cash. After paying they leave.Outside they see a controversy between a driver and the Mexican whom Delaney over-drived. The Mexican gets a punch and goes to ground (soil ist doch eher "Erde". As he rises he notices Delaney and limps away. A local change: Kyra is an estate agent and tries to sell a big house to Louisa and Bill Greutert. But they do not want the house and Kyra is lucky about this because she likes this house. Next morning: Delaney sits in front of his PC and tries to write an article. But he has to think about the Mexican the whole time. The last evening was a fiasco because Jordan was not hungry, Kyra was absent and the evening meal was bad. Delaney decides to go for a walk. So he drives to the Canon and parks in front of a building site. Now he goes into nature. But the first thing he sees is a sleeping place with many rubbish. He is angry about this and goes further and until he hears voices. He has fear but he comes out from the shrubs and he sees two Latinos ignoring the nature. He is angry about this and he thinks that they should go back from where they came. As he comes back to his car he does not see it. It is stolen. So he phones Kyra and tells her it.
(Geändert von borges um 22:10 am Sep. 29, 2003)
Erstellt: 21:33 am 29. Sep. 2003
also ich hab nich alles verbessert, nur, was ich eben noch aus den letzten zwei jahren englisch LK behalten habe, habe gerade keinen langenscheidt da, mal schauen ob ich noch was ändern kann, da ist jedenfalls noch einiges im unreinen
Erstellt: 21:31 am 29. Sep. 2003
Delaney prepares the evening meal until he notices that the pasta is missing. So he drives to the shopping centre with his son Jordan. There he meets his neighbour Jack. And they converse about the last meeting. At once Jack jr. comes and they go to the cash. After paying they leave. There they see a controversy between a driver and the Mexican who Delaney over-drived. The Mexican get a punch and goes to soil. as he rices he notices Delaney and limps away. A local change: Kyra is an estate agent and tries to sell a big house to Louisa and Bill Greutert. But they do not want the house and Kyra is lucky about this because she likes this house. Next morning: Delaney sits in front of his PC and tries to write an article. But he must think about the Mexican the whole time. The last evening was a fiasco because Jordan was not hungry, Kyra was absent and the evening meal was bad. But Delaney goes for a walk. So he drives to the Canon and parks in front of a building site. Now he goes in the nature. But the first what he sees is a sleep place with many rubbish. He is angry about this and goes further and until he hears voices. He has fear but he cames out from the shrubs and he sees two Latinos who ignore the nature. He is angry about this and be thinks that they go back from where they came. As he cames back to his car he does not see it. It was stolen. So he phones Kyra and tells it her.
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