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Erstellt: 1:01 am 9. Juli 2002
"Auf einmal stand das da, hab keine Ahnung was das bedeuten soll, hab nix am Board verändert oder so, deswegen verkaufe ich es jetzt mal als Defekt....blabla"
Erstellt: 20:05 am 8. Juli 2002
Wird wohl irgendwann bei Ebay landen, muß mir nur noch den passenden Text dazu ausdenken.
Erstellt: 15:08 am 8. Juli 2002
Aber nit wieder so nen Pic mit danebenhängenden Teilen
Surfer from Zorch
Erstellt: 15:06 am 8. Juli 2002
Und was ist mit dem alten Board ? eBay ??
Erstellt: 13:57 am 8. Juli 2002
Board ist da, Rechner läuft wieder!
Jetzt wieder die ganzen Treiber neu installieren
Dafür kann ich den Multi nun endlich geringer als den Standard-Multi meines Duri setzen. Bei 7,5x133 wurde er doch immer etwas warm. Jetzt läuft er erstmal auf 6,5x133
Hab mir eben ein EPOX 8KTA3L+ geordert. Dann hoffe ich mal, daß es auch das Board ist! Wenn nicht, dann gibt's ja noch 14 Tage Rückgaberecht oder Ebay
Nochmal many THX an alle! Ich werde dann mal , wenn das Board da ist.
Erstellt: 13:55 am 3. Juli 2002
kannst du bei deinem mobo (sorry ich kenns nicht) mit eingeschobenem flopy ein neues bios aufspielen???
Erstellt: 0:22 am 3. Juli 2002
Yo,kein Problem.
Ich penn mal drüber .
Vieleicht fällt mir Morgen noch was dazu ein.
Erstellt: 0:07 am 3. Juli 2002
Doch bitte übersetz mal!
Nee, interessanter Text! Aber leider trifft's mein Problem nicht ganz....bzw. doch.....
Ich les immer nur "Bad Hardware"
Danke für's suchen!!!
Erstellt: 23:47 am 2. Juli 2002
Hab nochwas gefunden.
----------- Issue:
Computer stops at verifying dmi pool data...
This issue can be caused by any of the following:
Corrupt boot files on the computer. Settings for hard disk drive are not correct. Boot devices not set properly. BIOS corrupt or misc. setting not set properly. Connections loose or disconnected. Bad Hard disk drive or other bad hardware.
Corrupt boot files on the computer If the computer has no bootable files on the drive it is attempting to boot from it is possible that the computer may halt at " verifying dmi pool data...".
To resolve this issue:
Boot from a bootable floppy diskette. Ensure that this diskette was made on the same Microsoft Windows operating system that is installed on your computer. Once at the A:\> prompt type "sys c:" and press enter. This should report the message "File system transferred". Once transferred remove the diskette and reboot the computer. If the computer continues to not boot attempt to re-create the master boot record by booting from the bootable floppy diskette again. Once at the A:\> prompt type "fdisk /mbr" and press enter. This should return you to the prompt without giving you any message. Once at the prompt remove the diskette and reboot the computer.
Additional information about the "fdisk /mbr" command can be found on document CH000175.
Note: The above information only applies to Microsoft Windows users. If you are running a Linux / UNIX variant or other operating system such as OS/2 and the computer is freezing at this DMI message ensure that Linux / UNIX has been properly installed first and/or your boot manger is not corrupt.
Settings for hard disk drive are not correct
The computer freezing at "verifying dmi pool data..". may be caused when the hard disk drive settings within CMOS are not set properly. Enter CMOS and verify that the hard disk drive settings are set properly and/or that it is set to Auto Detect.
Additional information about CMOS can be found on our CMOS help page.
Boot devices not set properly
The computer stopping at " verifying dmi pool data..." can be caused when the boot devices on your computer are not set properly in CMOS. First, verify that no CD or diskette is in your computer. If a CD or diskette is in the computer attempt to remove this first to determine if it was attempting to boot from it.
If No CD or diskette is in the computer and your computer still halts at the DMI message enter CMOS and verify that the boot options are set properly. We commonly recommend that the floppy be set the first boot device, hard drive as the second boot device and the CD-ROM as the third boot device.
Additional information about CMOS can be found on our CMOS help page.
BIOS corrupt or misc. setting not set properly
If none of the above recommendations have resolved your issue attempt to reset the BIOS / CMOS settings to the factory or default settings.
Additional information about CMOS can be found on our CMOS help page.
Connections loose or disconnected
If the computer has been recently moved or new hardware has been installed in the computer it is possible that a connection may be loose or even disconnected. Verify that the hard disk drive, floppy and CD-ROM cables are properly connected.
Bad hard disk drive or other bad hardware
If you computer continues to freeze at the DMI message after attempting all of the above recommendations it is possible that the computer may be freezing because of a bad hard disk drive or other bad hardware in the computer.
DMI = Desktop Management Interface
DMI is an API defined by the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF), a consortium of hardware manufactures led by Intel. to enable software to collect information about a computer environment. Systems that comply with DMI 2.0 are sometimes called managed PCs.
Übersetzen brauche ich es wohl nicht.
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