Review of postings for need suggestion (the latest posts first)
Erstellt: 22:04 am 6. Okt. 2002
Sound idea but im curious as to wether the 12v might damage the core? Im right in assuming you litterally ran 12v DC over the bridge to burn it out? If that works im only ever seen it done with the dremel
Erstellt: 12:17 am 3. Sep. 2002
Another choice, instead of cutting them, is to solder a resistor on your motherboard!
I found this to be easier, since it's not so small. For example, if you want to override your factory BP_FID[0], you can solder a ~180 Ohm resistor from ID[0] on the bottom side of your motherboard, to VCC(ON) or VSS(OFF).
I found this easier and less risky than bridge cutting. NB: This method assumes all five L1's are unlocked.
-- P>
Erstellt: 10:39 am 23. Jan. 2002
yeah, that's it!
Erstellt: 2:23 am 23. Jan. 2002
I may have found a solution! How about blowing the bridges up! Check it! "Blowing Your Bridges" by Ronald Dy Geronimo - 11/19/01 at
Thanks Administrator for the English forum, helpful to me! Great Site!
Erstellt: 1:56 am 23. Jan. 2002
the idea is to burn the bridges with a short-circuit by using a 12 V power pack
Are those bridges really that hard to cut? I was planning on using an exacto knife? I don't understand that power supply thing, good picture, but I need to see more. Thanks for posting.
(Geändert von ChrisGlenn um 1:42 am Jan. 23, 2002)
Erstellt: 0:33 am 21. Dez. 2001
yeah ! no problem
Erstellt: 23:08 am 19. Dez. 2001
@Henry: Thanks for sharing!
Erstellt: 15:29 am 16. Dez. 2001
coool - this was the first - real-oc-english-thread !!
Erstellt: 16:45 am 13. Dez. 2001
hey pamp, you're a little late
i think our english friend is already away
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