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Review of postings for A7V8X Vcore (overvolt jumper) (the latest posts first)
KS Erstellt: 22:53 am 25. Nov. 2002
Correction: the IC is ST L6917BD.
The info about this IC can be found on :
In addition to FB-GND, I think one more resistor is needed to connect Vsense to GND as well as the IC will shutdown MOSFET as Vsense reaches +2.1V (page 14: Overvolt protection)
I heard that the new AMD T-bred core does not like high vcore, does it? I just bought a 1800+ T-bred core CPU.
ocinside Erstellt: 19:53 am 4. Nov. 2002
It would work if you solder the resistor parallel to the FB1/GND resistor, but not to the Jumper row (because indeed it would be soldered in a row ).

And if you couldn't reach a voltage above ~ 2,2 Volt you could solder a resistor between VSEN1 and GND - this should give you higher voltages
KS Erstellt: 0:12 am 26. Okt. 2002
More info.
A7V8X uses ST L6017BD (28 pin) as the voltage regulator.
I searched the ST database and could not find this IC.
I thought that it is the same IC as HIP 6017 (
If this is correct, we could program Vcore upto +3.5V by programming VID input pins of the IC.
Does anyone know how to do it?
If that is difficult, does the vcore mod by soldering a resistor from FB1 to GND still work?
KS Erstellt: 23:13 am 23. Okt. 2002
On the other hand, if this jumper acts just like a switch, a new resistor will be connected in series (not good!!) which would result in lower vcore, wouldn't it?
KS Erstellt: 23:10 am 23. Okt. 2002
A SAD STORY. I just change my EPOX 8K9A to A7V8X due to temperature readout problem (sometimes it's very low/sometimes it's very high). EPOX could not help me with that (I contact EPOX already).
Couples with other troubles e.g. smaller size board, and layout/design of floppy drive connector leave me no choice but to return it.
Well, if I used EPOX, I would not have this problem since EPOX allows me to set VCORE to +2.2V in BIOS. However, A7V8X uses OVERVOLT jumper that works the same way (I believe) as what is described in this workshop. When I set this jumper, VCORE +0.20 on top of what I set in BIOS.
But A7V8X only allows Vcore upto +2.05. I could overclock 1600+(1400 MHz) to 1876 MHz (13.5*138) at +2.08 volt (48 celcuis, water cooling).
My question is about this OVERVOLT jumper. In order to get higher vcore +2.2V, can I just connect a new resistor to this jumper (I think that a new resistor will be connected in pararell with the existing one).
If this is possible, I don't have to solder a resistor to the volt regulator at all (no void warranty).