Review of postings for How to lock PCI and AGP at 33 and 66 MHz? (the latest posts first)
Erstellt: 23:29 am 4. Dez. 2002
mhhh... = well please :-)
Erstellt: 14:26 am 30. Nov. 2002
yep i have heared the same ..
NForce AMD and most P4 Boards have this lock
but no VIA-chipset based or AMD-chipset based boards can do that
Erstellt: 22:33 am 29. Nov. 2002
Why don't VIA do it? I heard that Intel m/b could do it. You mean any m/b based on NForce2 chipset can do it?
Erstellt: 1:18 am 29. Nov. 2002
Is your board a via based board? if it is not nforce board you could not fix the apg/pci clock
Erstellt: 22:33 am 25. Nov. 2002
oha dont know if it would work
i have heard about a P4- Mobo mod where someone had changed the Clock generator to get higher Frequencies .. and there are P4 Boards with a locked AGP / PCI..
I think in general it can also be done for AMD MoBos
If I had another clock generator (the same family), I would de-solder PCI, AGP pins of the one on the mainboard and disconnect it. Then I replace those pins with the second clock generator (and other necessary pins e.g. Vdd) and program FS0:3 to fix it at 100/33/33. Doing this will enable us to overclock the CPU and RAM at any speed without affecting PCI and AGP at all. Do you think so?
An appropriate approach is for m/b manufacturers to incorporate 2 clock generators for this purpose.
Erstellt: 12:05 am 18. Okt. 2002
Zitat von KS am 15:06 am Sep. 29, 2002 I heard that ABIT m/b could implement the PCI/AGP freq locking. IS that possible in other m/b e.g. ASUS, ECS?
that isnt possible
only a few nforce motherboards can do it
Erstellt: 20:26 am 29. Sep. 2002
i said..
BIOS or not ..
Erstellt: 20:18 am 29. Sep. 2002
I read the datasheet of the clock generator which says that the divisor (any numbers) could be set via I2C by setting certain bits to the registers. This would make it possible. But I don't know how to do that. I guess it got to be something that is hidden in the BIOS.
Erstellt: 16:41 am 29. Sep. 2002
restarting while booting can also have other causes .. ( i.e. too high RAM Frequency or instable PowerSupply )
if your mainboard has this function it should be in your BIOS or there are some jumpers on the board ( see manual )
but normally the AGP / PCI is set by the FSB
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