Review of postings for Dell 4400 P1.8 overclockable? (the latest posts first)
Erstellt: 7:11 am 24. Sep. 2002
@gammelmon: Hm....I thought that in Dell-Cases only fits Dell Mainboards...
Erstellt: 23:36 am 22. Sep. 2002
ooohhhh... new BIOS?(for dell ????i don't think so) software?(for overclocking:soft FSB?) new Mainboard!!
Erstellt: 17:59 am 19. Sep. 2002
hmm there is only one solution left
VCore Mod @ the CPU FSB increasing by Software ( Jumper? )
Erstellt: 20:50 am 18. Sep. 2002
Hey, My parent's dell 4400 P1.8 needs to be overclocked. Well actually i just want to. Anyway, the dell bios doesn't let you do anything.
ANy ideas? Thx
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