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Review of postings for Overclocking Abit KT7 greater than x13 (the latest posts first)
darkcrawler Erstellt: 8:38 am 30. Okt. 2002
man jense das is das englisch topic, so speak in english plz

your xp is running with 11X100=1100 instead of 11X13=1466=xp1700, but the kt7 chipset doesn't allow 2 rum the fsb higher than 107~111 mhz, so you've got to higher the multiplicator with the "interaktive malanleitung"
Jensd Erstellt: 9:20 am 29. Okt. 2002
Hallo, ich habe folgendes Problem: Seit kurzem habe ich ein Abit KT7-RAID Board V1.2(kein 1.3) und einen Athlon  XP 1700. Nahc dem Einbau des Prozessors und einem BIOS-update wurde der Prozessor mehr oder weniger erkannt, dh. er läuft mit 1100MHz. Ich habe im BIOS verucht die Multiplikatoren zu ändern jedoch fährt der Rechner dann nicht mehr hoch. Kann mir jemand helfen den Prozessor ans Laufen zu bekommen ?
ocinside Erstellt: 7:47 am 13. März 2002
There's no really good solution for the FSB problem,
because the first KT133 (without A) Revision doesn't support higher FSB rates

But of course, you're able to use my interactive painting guide to increase the multi :thumb:

And if you just need a little more FSB speed try it with a higher VIO and better Northbridge cooling.
ZildjianMM Erstellt: 4:52 am 13. März 2002

Zitat von commander am 9:11 am Feb. 25, 2002
I have an Abit KT7 motherboard that will overclock to about 105Mhz FSB only.

I have an Athlon XP 1600+ which is unlocked i.e. L1s closed, but I am only running it at 1250 MHz because my multipliers only go upto to x12.5.

I would like to have higher multilpliers eg. x14 to x16.

Would someone please explain (in English please ) what mods I need to make to my Athlon XP.

I am guessing this is what needs to be done ?

1) Close all L1 bridges (Done)
2) L3 Bridges - Leave alone ?????
3) L4 Bridges - Leave alone ?????
4) L10 Bridges - Cut first bridge, Close second bridge.

Are there any more mods to be done.

What do I set in the motherboard to get x14 to x16

Please help!

I also have this board. Although I have the first revision. Are you using a Maxtor harddrive? I have the same exact problem. I can push the FSB up to 105 and right now (by just unlocking L1) i was able to get a 12x multiplier. Does anyone know of a solution to the FSB issue???
ocinside Erstellt: 11:52 am 26. Feb. 2002
Oh sorry, i misunderstood you.
I didn't try just changing the L10 bridge and then increase the mutli via BIOS, but i don't think that this could work.

Normally you have to cut and paint the L3, L4 and L10 bridges, but you'll already know this
Please try your idea and post the results - you can't frie anything if you just change the L10 bridge
But don't leave the BIOS multiplier settings at default !
Because you would get a very high mutli :lol:
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commander Erstellt: 22:07 am 25. Feb. 2002
sorry meant x12 become x20 !
commander Erstellt: 21:59 am 25. Feb. 2002
Thanks Ocinside,

I have been using your XP painting guide - very useful.

I just wanted some one to confirm that .......

1) I did not have to do anything with the L3,L4 bridges when the L1 bridges are closed and the only change required was to the L10 bridges.

2) When done presumably setting the motherboard to a multiplier effectively has x8 added on i.e x12 becomes x12 ?

Are 1 and 2 correct?
ocinside Erstellt: 20:29 am 25. Feb. 2002
Hmmm, why don't you look at my interactive XP painting guide in the workshop ?
If you just change the L10 bridge you'll get an multi of 18,5 :danger:

I think this would be too much for your poor 1600+ at the first try

Nope, better choose a multi like 15x this should work at your 100 MHz :eek: mainboard.
Then you'll get 1500 MHz with an option for 1575 MHz at 105 MHz FSB.
commander Erstellt: 14:11 am 25. Feb. 2002
I have an Abit KT7 motherboard that will overclock to about 105Mhz FSB only.

I have an Athlon XP 1600+ which is unlocked i.e. L1s closed, but I am only running it at 1250 MHz because my multipliers only go upto to x12.5.

I would like to have higher multilpliers eg. x14 to x16.

Would someone please explain (in English please ) what mods I need to make to my Athlon XP.

I am guessing this is what needs to be done ?

1) Close all L1 bridges (Done)
2) L3 Bridges - Leave alone ?????
3) L4 Bridges - Leave alone ?????
4) L10 Bridges - Cut first bridge, Close second bridge.

Are there any more mods to be done.

What do I set in the motherboard to get x14 to x16

Please help!
