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Pit26 Erstellt: 8:58 am 1. Okt. 2004
OK, I will do it and I will write it to you. Thank you for your help.
necromer Erstellt: 22:18 am 30. Sep. 2004
@ Pit26

AMD has locked their CPU´s last year in week 42-44 (this is not guaranteed - it could be a little bit earlier or a little bit later) - you can see it on the black label on the CPU.

There is mentioned the manufacturing date - best is to write down the complete description of the label - then we can help you smoothly.

Best regards

Pit26 Erstellt: 20:44 am 30. Sep. 2004
What do you mean locked? It there any special version of this CPU with locked settings? It would be a shame... for AMD Can it be a fault of to tinny wire?
WiseGuy Erstellt: 20:39 am 30. Sep. 2004
Maybe your Cpu is locked.
Pit26 Erstellt: 20:33 am 30. Sep. 2004
:noidea: Hello, I tryed to overclock my T-Bred 2200+ to 2600+ refering to Pin Guide that I found on this page. I have used the "socket pin holes connecting method". To connect the holes I used 1 tinny wire from HDD cable but it does nothing. My CPU still starts as 2200+. What can be the problem? I set my motherboard to autodetect stting... Please help!