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Erstellt: 13:24 am 10. Mai 2004
you also could try and raise the FSB, thats the only way in the moment to overclock an locked CPU raise the FSB on a NF7 should´nt be a prob, including VDD and V-Core and maybe V-Dimm
Erstellt: 0:53 am 10. Mai 2004
no chance ... not yet.
but u could buy a KT600 or SIS748 board and perform the so called "mobile mod" ... the result: changing the multiplier is possible, even when the system is running
Erstellt: 23:55 am 9. Mai 2004
hi guy's, please i from brasil and my nick are danger : ) i have one abit nf7-s 2.0 and 1 processor barton 2.8 mult locked ALXDA 2800 DKV4D 2380 786L30942 AQYHA 0350XPMW
please help me, for unlocked processor?
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