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Beomaster Erstellt: 0:18 am 17. März 2004
hm, 2 possibilities, lower the multiplier, raise the timings and if possible the Chipset Voltage. Maybe this would help for some more MHz.
m0z3s Erstellt: 21:41 am 16. März 2004

I cant get higer than 167 fsb ???

Sheer Fear Erstellt: 13:19 am 14. März 2004
well, first off all i would put the multiplicator to 12,5 and the fsb to 166, later u could try to bring the fsb up to ~172-175 or the multiplicator to 13 or 13,5
OptimusPrime Erstellt: 21:41 am 13. März 2004
There s an english forum for that but i ll try to help for the first steps...

U got a AIXHB 0330 that means year 20"03" and 30th week of production so u dont need to bridge anything. Maybe u need later to cut some bridges to get a higher l2 cache but for the first steps u could try a 11 or 11,5 multiplier and set your fsb upwards for min 166.
but step for step...first 140 fsb then 150fsb and so on....and set your cpu/ram ratio at 1:1. I think from 160fsb or higher u need to set your vcore up and set your ram settings lower...try that and then write your temps, timings and that stuff...:thumb:

If your change your fsb higher then watch your agp/pci freq !
If that freq is changing with your fsb then u couldnt overclock much...

So be careful, nobody is giving u warranty for that, everybody here somewhen kills some hardware parts...

BTW: you could write down your config into your profile so u hadnt have to write it down every time and everybody is seeing (sorry my english grammar isnt good )

(Geändert von OptimusPrime um 21:47 am März 13, 2004)
m0z3s Erstellt: 19:30 am 13. März 2004
Sorry my German isnt good

Well im very interested about overclocking AMD to higher level.

I made some pictures of the lable

and my CPU

My memory are 2x 256 DDR pc2700

My questions are :

1) How far can i overclock my cpu on my mobo ?
2) How do i change (or cut) the bridges ?? (plz draw it on my pictures)

Tnx for ur answer :godlike:

(Geändert von m0z3s um 19:31 am März 13, 2004)